The following items have been suggested and approved by the committee, and should be purchased.
- Vacuum leak tester. Alcatel ASM 122D order number S3R0L000B710;Alcatel Sales; 67 Sharp Street: Hingham, MA 02043. tel: 781-331-4200 fax: 781-331-4230
- Spare tubomolecular vacuum pump station. Alcatel order number GCAANANNBFBO,
also flange adapter 303317, centering ring 068432, clamps 4 ea 303056, valve 30071M, seal 30134K; Alcatel Sales; 67 Sharp Street: Hingham, MA 02043. tel: 781-331-4200 fax: 781-331-4230
- Diagnostic spectrometer for CO2 lasers;
Macken Instruments, Inc., 3186 Coffey Lane,
Santa Rosa, CA 95403; , CO2 Laser Spectrum Analyzer, Model 16 A, $3047;; Phone 707-566-2110;
- CO2 laser power meter
Molectron Low-noise, 2mm, pyroelectric detector, Model P4-42;
Molectron Detector, Inc., 7470 S.W. Bridgeport Road, Portland, OR, 97224. Phone
503-620-9069; fax 503-620-8964; Price: $1,460.
- Scientech Vector S310 Laser Power Meter, with Astral calorimeter
type AC2500;
Scientech, Inc., 5649 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80303;
Phone: (303) 444-1361 1-800-525-0522;
Fax: (303) 444-9229;
- A lab-quality electronic balance; Fischer Scientific model 01-913-67, $3300;
- Signal Recovery Model 651-1 Light Chopper and
Model 651 Light Chopper Controller, $1,200.
Signal Recovery;
AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology, Inc;
801 South Illinois Avenue;
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-2011;
Tel: 732 438 1115;
Fax: 732 438 6758;
- Millimeter-to-Infrared Power Meter, model PM1B; Erickson
Instruments LLC 316 Pine St., Amherst, MA 01002;;$11,000
- A network time server based on GPS. TrueTime NTS-200;
- A library of scientific reference books.
List of suggested books.
- Electronic subscriptions to scientific journals.
List of suggested journals.
- A secure computer for certificate and public key server.
- Replacement LCD monitors for existing CRT computer monitors.
- A large (terabyte) network-based data storage system available to science groups.
- Access to a reliable, enclosed over-snow vehicle for small science use.
- A snowmobile with a Nansen sled (or equivalent) for small scientific use, particularly
away from the Station (banana sleds are definitely not adequate)
The following items have been suggested, but their specifications are not yet firm enough for purchase.
- MilliQ ultra-pure water system for ARO
- A fume hood for ARO
- Real wet chemistry lab bench space
- A flow-through spectrofluorometer
- Helium liquifier or re-liquifier for Wessington dewars or additional 4200 gallon LHe storage/transport dewar for cryogenics facility.
- infrared detector;
IRLABS Silicon bolometer in liquid helium dewar, with pre-amplifier;
Infrared Laboratories, 1808 E. 17Th Street -- Tucson, AZ 85719-6505
Tel: 520-622-7074 - Fax: 520-623-0765;
Price is about $15,000
End of list