The time when data becomes available depends upon receipt of telemetry data and on the time required for processing. At the EOF, Realtime Telemetry data will be captured by UTOCC and Playback data will be obtained from the ECS by ftp within a few hours after it is transmitted by the SOHO satellite. Predicted SOHO Orbit/Attitude files will also be received from the ECS. The Data Analysis Software and Preliminary Calibration Files will be available on the Telemetry Workstation at the EOF for creating Temporary Processed Spectral and VL Data Files. These will be sent to the EAF for verification of data quality, planning of future observations, and production of the Summary Image Files for the ECS . Data sets of modest size (a few exposures) should be processed within an hour of receipt. They can be made available to investigators at other locations by ftp. Images for the Summary Data will be generated at the EAF and provided to the ECS. They will be generated from radial scans at 10 (TBC) roll angles. An image will be constructed within one day.
At the Data Reduction and Analysis Facility (DRAF), the Level-0 Telemetry files and final SOHO Orbit/Attitude Files will be received from NASA and converted into the final Spectral Data Files. The Telemetry data will arrive within one month of observation on CD-ROM. The Spectral and VL Data Files will be available within a month after receipt of Final Telemetry Data, subject to restrictions of proprietary data. Calibration files will be available 6-12 months from the time of observation, so Preliminary Calibration files must be used up to that time. Much of the subsequent analysis will be performed by individual investigators using Data Analysis software available at the EOF and EAF, DRAF, Italian and Swiss data centers, and co-investigator institutes. For users outside the EOF, the DRAF, and the Italian Data Analysis Center, modest data sets which can be transferred over Internet can be made available within hours of a request. Larger data sets which must be sent via Exabyte tape will require up to two weeks.