Next: Telescope Assembly
Previous: Diagnostics
The UVCS is designed to determine the primary plasma parameters that describe
the solar corona from its base to as high as 12 solar radii ()
from sun center. This is to be accomplished by ultraviolet
spectroscopic techniques.
The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) consists of an occulted
telescope and a high resolution spectrometer assembly (see Figure 2.1).
Three spherical
telescope mirrors focus co-registered images of the extended corona onto
the entrance slits of the spectrometer assembly.
The spectrometer assembly consists of
three sections:
The Ly- section is a toroidal grating spectrograph with an entrance slit mechanism,
a neutral density filter inserter, a grating mechanism,
and a windowed XDL detector (the Ly- detector). This section is
optimized for line profile measurements of H I 1216 and
it is also used for the Fe XII line at 1242 .
The O VI section is a toroidal grating spectrograph with an entrance slit mechanism,
a neutral density filter inserter, a grating mechanism,
and an open XDL detector (the O VI detector).
The O VI detector is optimized for measurements of the O VI lines at
1032 and 1037 (in first order),
and is also used for the Si XII lines at 499 and 521
(in second order). The O VI section includes a mirror in the path
of the Ly- beam, to focus the Ly- and Mg X 610/625
radiation from the grating onto the O VI detector.
The white light channel (WLC) measures the polarized radiance of
the K corona. It consists of an entrance aperture, a polarimeter
assembly, and a photomultiplier tube. The polarimeter assembly
consists of a rotatable half-wave plate, a fixed linear polarizer, a
bandpass filter and a lens.
Peter Smith
Fri Jan 17 12:11:15 EST 1997