The UVCS Catalog will be an Oracle database containing a cluster of tables with information for each Spectral or Visible Light Data File. The information associated with each entry will permit users to select data appropriate to their investigations, for instance specifying the ranges of pointing and grating position, the wavelength, object ID, and program ID. Two databases will be maintained, one at the EAF for Temporary Data Files (C2 -- ``quick-look data") and one at SAO (C1 -- final science data). The Oracle databases will be accessed through a menu, and they will support SQL queries. The UVCS project will not maintain a data base of Processed Data Files, except for the Synoptic Data. Other Processed Data Files are the responsibility of the individual investigator. Other databases will include the Calibration Parameter Catalog, the Synoptic Data Catalog, the Flat Field and Dark Count Data Catalogs, the SOHO Orbit/Attitude Catalog, the Solar Irradiance Catalog, and the Instrument Profile and Stray Light Catalogs. The catalogs will list the calibration files and the range of dates and other parameters for which each file is recommended.