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Data products to be distributed to investigators include the following:
= .3in
- Spectral Data Files:
These are FITS files containing uncalibrated detector count data
(counts per pixel), as well as instrument configuration and exposure
timing data. Each Observing Sequence will produce one Spectral Data
File per detector.
- Visible Light Data Files:
These are FITS files containing the time series of count rates from the
White Light Channel, along with pointing information and information on
the polarizer and neutral density filter. Each VL Data File will
contain the data corresponding to one exposure sequence.
- Standard Formatted Data Unit Files: The SFDU Header File for
each Spectral Data File of Visible Light Data File will provide a brief,
standard description for use by investigators in the ISTP project.
- Calibration Data:
- Parameters files for pointing, spatial, wavelength and radiometric
calibrations. (ascii)
- Flat field and dark count data (FITS)
- SOHO orbit and attitude data (TBD format)
- Data Analysis Software: This will allow the user to perform calibrations
and obtain spectra which are wavelength calibrated and converted to
at the UVCS entrance aperture.
Calibrated pointing information can also be derived using this Software.
The software will allow the user to write out processed spectral data
files and processed visible light data files.
- Image Data Files, including Synoptic Maps: These are FITS files such as
the Ly-
maps of the corona to be provided as part of the Summary Data.
- Auxiliary Data Files: These include the Disk Irradiance history (as determined from periodic
pointings at the solar disk), measurements of the Instrument Profile, Stray Light
data, and Pulse Height Distribution data.
- Data Catalogs: These will include an Oracle database to permit users to select
observations based on pointing, observation date, type of feature observed, or other
criteria. They also include the Mission Log File, which records the observing sequences
and other commands sent to the instrument, as well as an evaluation of the data
Next: Data Analysis Software
Up: Data Processing and
Previous: Data Processing and
Peter Smith
Fri Jan 17 12:11:15 EST 1997