Purpose: Measurement of kinetic temperatures for H I, O VI, Mg X, Fe XII and Si XII. Primary observable quantities: line profiles for these ions. This mode is expected to be used 10% of the time.
Description: Duration 1 to 6 hours. There will be several versions with
different dwell times, each one optimized for a particular target
(streamers, quiet corona, coronal holes). Scan telescope mirror from
selectable radial
position 1.5 to 5.0 R (TBC). There are 10 mirror positions, with
step size ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 R
(TBC). At each mirror
position, first measure resonantly scattered Ly-alpha and Fe XII
1242 Å
A series of exposures is obtained with slightly different grating positions
(``dither motion"). There are 20 grating positions with steps of 0.01
Å (TBC).
Then move Ly-alpha grating such that resonantly scattered line falls on
blocked section of XDL detector, and continue measurement of the FeXII
1242 Å
profiles (without dither motions).
Dwell times increase with height in the corona.
The O VI 1032/1037 Å profiles are also measured, using dither motion. There are 20 grating positions with steps of 0.01 Å (TBC). Dwell times increase with height in the corona. Polarized visible radiance will be measured at one pixel along the slit for each mirror position.