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Spectral line intensities

The spectral line intensity of the resonantly scattered Ly- profile is given by (e.g. Withbroe, 1982b):

Here h, c, , and R are Planck's constant, the velocity of light, the Einstein coefficient, and the ratio of the neutral hydrogen to proton density,, respectively. (CGS units are used). It is assumed that the plasma is fully ionized with 10% helium, = 0.8. The quantity is the central wavelength of the Ly- scattering transition(1216Å = 2.466), and I()is the intensity of the chromospheric disk radiation at wavelength and angle . The observer's line of sight is in the x direction, n and are the unit vectors in the direction of the observer and the incident radiation. The delta functions transform the wavelength to the frame of the observer. The function ( v) is the velocity distribution of the scattering hydrogen atoms which is assumed to be Maxwellian. The factor describes the angular dependence of the Ly- scattering process (House, 1970; Beckers and Chipman, 1974; Noci et al., 1987).

The ionization equilibrium for the neutral hydrogen is calculated for any given temperature using data given by Gabriel (1971). The intensity of the incident radiation and the shape of the disk profile are assumed to be constant across the solar disk. The intensity is taken to be (Vidal-Madjar, 1977), the disk profile is calculated from a measured profile given by Gouttebroze et al. (1978).

The expression for the resonantly scattered component of the O VI lines are identical to Equation (1), except that the product R is replaced by , where and are the elemental abundance and the ionization balance for O VI respectively. The function describing the angular dependence of the scattering process is slightly different for the 1038 and 1032 lines, but is in both cases close to (Noci et al., 1987).

For the collisionally excited lines we have used the expression(Withbroe, et al., 1982b):

Where CG units are used as in the rest of this chapter. Here f, g, and E are the oscillator strength, the mean gaunt factor and the excitation energy (in eV). The coronal emission line profile, , is assumed to be Gaussian. The atomic data used for the O VI lines are given in Table 1. The Gaunt factors and ion equilibrium values are interpolated for any given temperature.

The electron scattered Ly- line is finally calculated from:

where is the Thomson cross section, the distribution function of the electrons, also assumed to be Maxwellian, and the other symbols are as defined above.

Recommended atomic rates and other parameters are given in Chapter 8. These may differ by modest amounts from the values used for the predicted intensities in this chapter, which were generally taken from Gabriel (1971) and Noci et al. (1987).

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Peter Smith
Fri Jan 17 12:11:15 EST 1997