AR - Active Region
AU - Astronomical Unit
BASG - Ball Aerospace Systems
CDHF - Central Data Handling Facility
CDS - Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer
CELIAS - Charge Element and Isotope Analysis
CME - Coronal Mass Ejection
CMM - Coronal MilliMeterwave source
Co-I - Co-Investigator
COSTEP - Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Analyzer
DAS - Data Analysis Software
DEM - Differential Emission Measure
DPT - Data Processing Team
DRAF - Data Reduction and Analysis Facility
DSN - Deep Space Network
EAF - Experiment Analysis Facility
ECS - Experiment Control System
EGSE - Experiment Ground Support Equipment
EISCAT - European Incoherent Scatter radar system
EIT - Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
EOF - Experiment Operations Facility
EOP - Early Operations Phase
ERNE - Energetic Particle Analyzer
ESA - European Space Agency
EST - Engineering Support Team
ESTEC - European Space and Tecnology Centre
EUV - Extreme Ultraviolet
FIP - First Ionization Potential
FITS - Flexible Image Transport System
FOV - Field of View
FWHM - Full Width at Half Maximum
GI - Guest Investigator
GSFC - Goddard Space Fligth Center
HAO - High Altitude Observatory
HK - Housekeeping
HOP - Halo Orbit Phase
HST - Hubble Space Telescope
ICT - Instrument Calibration Team
ID - Identification
IDL - Interactive Data Language
IOT - Instrument Operation Team
IP - Image Processor
IPS - Interplanetary Scintillation
IUE - International ultraviolet Explorer
IWS - Instrument Workstation
JOP - Joint Observing Program
LASCO - White light & Spectrometric Coronagraph
LEOP - Launch and Early Operations Phase
LOS - Line Of Sight
MAMA - Multi-Anode Microchannel Array
MDI - Michelson Doppler Imager
MEDOC - Multi-Experiment Data and Operations Center
MOPS - Mission Operations
MOT - Mission Operations Team
MPT - Mission Planning Team
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NBS - National Bureau of Standards
PB - Polarization Brightness
PI - Principal Investigator
PMT - Photomultiplier
RAM - Random Access Memory
REU - Remote Electronic Unit
ROM - Read Only Memory
SAO - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
S/C - Spacecraft
SMM - Solar Maximum Mission
SMOCC - Soho Mission Operation Control Center
SOHO - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
SPA - Spectrometer Assembly
SQL - Structured Query Language
STOL - Spacecraft Telemetry and Operations Language ?
SUMER - Solar Ultraviolet Emitted Radiation
SWAN - Solar Wind Anisotropies
SWT - Science Working Team
SXT - Soft X-ray Telescope
TBC - To Be Confirmed
TBD - To Be Determined
TC - TeleCommanding
TM - TeleMetry
TTP - Transfer Trajectory Phase
UTOCC - UVCS Test and Operations Control Center
UV - UltraViolet
UVCS - Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer
VL - Visible Light
VLA - Very Large Array
WLC - White Light Channel
XBP - X-ray Bright Point
XDL - Crossed Delay Line Detector