For UVCS we can distinguish three types of command procedures:
IWS Procedures in which commands originate from the UVCS Instrument Workstation (IWS) in the Experiment Operations Facility (EOF). These commands are then routed to the SMOCC (via the EOF Core System) and uplinked to the spacecraft in a near-realtime or delayed commanding mode;
On-Board Stored Procedures (a.k.a. observation sequences), in which commands originate from the sequence library of the UVCS on-board computer.
SMOCC procedures and IWS procedures must be executed during the near-realtime commanding periods each day. Pointing and roll maneuvers will be performed in the near-realtime commanding mode, at least initially. The most common mode of operation will be to uplink an on-board stored procedure (such as a scan pattern) or a parameter table (such as a detector mask) from the IWS, then issue a command to start the procedure in realtime or at a specified later time.