TA: Office Tools

Office Supplies General office supplies are available in the mailroom cabinets under the mailboxes. If you have a special request, please check with your administrator. If you have special furniture needs or would like to purchase a desktop system or laptop, also check with your administrator.

Copiers A scanner/fax/copier is located in the mailroom. Heavy-duty copiers are located all across campus but the 3rd floor ones are the most easily accessible. Take the exit stairs near the elevator, go up one floor, and you will find the copiers by the windows to the left of the bridge. There is one color copier and one B&W copier. Both need an access code. Get it from your administrator. The Library, too, has copiers that will accept your code.

Printing The Computation Facility has tabloid and poster printers. Our Division has a color printer called 'tapcolor' in the mailroom as well as one heavy-duty networked b&w printer located in the mailroom. This black and white printer is called "tap" and here's how you should be able to designate it from the command line:

% hprint -d tap Document.ps
% hprint -d tap -duplex Document.ps

See also:
Print job management on CF managed Unix computers
Setting up printer queues from a self-managed computer
Poster printing

Getting around the CfA (For detailed maps, check the CfA phone book)

60 Garden Street All of TAD is located here. 60, as it is known, is divided into five buildings. Building A, B, C, D, and the Perkins Building (P Building). Places of interest in P:
Phillips Auditorium: Building D. On the right as you walk in the door. The Weekly CfA Colloquium (Thursdays) is held there.
Harvard College Observatory Administrative Office: Building C, room C-26. It is down the hall from Phillips Auditorium.
Wolbach Library: On the first floor of Perkins Building, off the main lobby.
Pratt Conference Room G-04: Ground floor of Perkins Building, underneath the Wolbach Library.
Building "A" Classroom and Conference Room: A-111. Go in building A and turn right.
160 Concord Avenue (building M)
This is where most of the R&G Division and part of the Optical and Infrared Astronomy (OIR) Division is located.
Cambridge Discovery Park All of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Administrative Offices (Financial Management Department, Human Resources, Travel, Purchasing, Contracts and Grants.), as well as Central Engineering offices and laboratories are located at Cambridge Discovery Park (CDP), 100 Acorn Park Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140. The mailroom and shipping office is also there even though our mailing address is 60 Garden Street.

Getting Help
Your administrators (Uma Murani & Nina Zonnevylle) can answer any questions you may have or direct you to the expert or person in charge.

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