The High-Z Supernova Search Team

Brian P. Schmidt --- Mt. Stromlo Siding Springs Observatories (Team Leader)
Nicholas B. Suntzeff --- Texas A & M
Robert Schommer --- Deceased
Chris Smith --- Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
Mark M. Phillips --- Carnegie Observatories, Las Campanas Obseravtory
Alejandro Clocchiatti --- Universidad Catolica de Chile
Bruno Leibundgut --- European Southern Observatory
Jason Spyromilio --- European Southern Observatory
John L. Tonry --- University of Hawaii
Alex V. Filippenko --- University of California, Berkeley
Weidong D. Li --- University of California, Berkeley
Adam G. Riess --- Space Telescope Science Institute
Craig J. Hogan --- University of Washington
Chris Stubbs --- Harvard University
Peter M. Garnavich --- Notre Dame University
Stephen Holland --- Notre Dame University
Robert Kirshner --- Harvardu University
Saurabh Jha --- University of California, Berkeley
Thomas Matheson --- NOAO
Peter Challis --- Harvard University
Ron Gilliland --- STScI

Some of us at the Aspen Center for Physics

Peter Garnavich driving High-Z 108
and bringing his typical weather

Saurabh Jha in the Keck control room

Brian Schmidt, at his thesis party,
playing pin the tail on the hubble diagram