Click on the images to get a larger gif, click on the text underneath
for a gzipped postscript file.
Cosmological Parameters: Omega_Lambda and Omega_Matter
Results analyzing the Type-Ia supernovae
(Riess et al. 1998)
Delta m15 + Snapshot gzipped postscript (28k)
MLCS + Snapshot gzipped postscript (28k)
Combined constraints from the supernovae + CMB anisotropy
(Garnavich et al. 1998)
Delta m15 + Snapshot + CMB gzipped postscript (17k)
MLCS + Snapshot + CMB gzipped postscript (20k)
Matter Density vs Alpha with MLCS as gzipped postscript (41k)
Matter Density vs Alpha with MLCS as JPEG (80k)
Matter Density vs Alpha with Delta_m15 gzipped postscript (35k)
Matter Density vs Alpha with Delta_m15 as JPEG (74k)
Results analyzing the Type-Ia supernovae
(Riess et al. 1998)
SN Ia Hubble Diagram using MLCS as a gzipped postscript
HST Images of Three High-z Supernovae:
( Garnavich et al. 1998 )
HST Supernovae as gzipped postscript (327k)
HST Supernovae as jpeg (87k)
The Decline of SN 1997cj as gzipped postscript (61k)
The Decline of SN 1997cj as jpeg (37k)