Use this form for requesting purchases or services.
Please fill in as much information as you can and then click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. If you have questions, contact SSP's Division Administrator.
* indicates a required field
* Requested by:
* Purpose:
* Deliver To:
Delivery Date Required:
Normal processing of orders by SAO is 7 business days, excluding delivery time. If you require a delivery date that is earlier than 8 business days, please provide a justification.
* Project:
Send Email copy to this email address(es):
If purchase of a single item/service > $10,000 you must download and fill the Sole Source Justification Form (aka OCON 103a Form) and attach to this request ('Upload Attachment(s)' below) or email it later to Christine, CC'd to Kathy and mention the "sequential identifier" that this request will generate.
Additional information is available at the Purchasing Policies and Procedures, under "The Purchasing Process" heading, and specifically the "Sole-Source Justifications", "OCON 103a Form and Instructions" and "Examples of Sole-Source Justifications" headings.
To send this request click the submit button below. If your item list exceeds the space available, fill out a second form with a note mentioning that the second form is a continuation and mention the "sequential identifier" that this request will generate.
to Christine Benoit & Kathy Campbell or this form.