Collaborating InstitutionsFundingFunding for major equipment, operation, and analysis and modeling for BARGEN has been provided by the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation Continental Dynamics and Infrastructure and Facilities Programs, NASA Solid Earth and Natural Hazards Programs, and the California Institute of Technology and the Smithsonian Institution. UNAVCO, Inc. has participated, and continues to participate, in all levels of site design, installation, operation, and maintenance. This research was funded by NSF grants EAR-9418784, EAR-9725766 (both to Caltech with subcontracts to SAO), and EAR-0135457, DOE cooperative agreements UNR99-04, DOE FC08-98NV12081 (with subcontracts to SAO), and NASA grants NAG5-8226 and NAG5-11629. Dissemination of these results was funded in part by a grant from the Atherton Seidell Endowment Fund of the Smithsonian Institution. For more information contact:
Dr. James L. Davis
Dr. Sunil Bisnath |
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