This cutting-edge project is designed for high-school students in physics and astronomy.

It's a great way to introduce your students to the nature of science: They'll reason from models; make predictions; gather evidence using online telescopes; and learn how to display, assess and interpret their own, authentic data. You'll find this project an excellent way to review and apply core ideas about gravity, orbits, systems, Earth's place in space, and other parts of physical science.

The Laboratory consists of five mini-labs (with two more to come), to be carried out in sequence. Each lab station has a key take-home message, highlighted in the Teacher's Guide. The Guide gives helpful suggestions for mentoring students as they work and answering their frequently-asked questions.

Sequentially, the activities are:

Welcome Activity
Modeling Lab
Telescope Control
Image Lab
Data Lab
Visualization Lab
Color Lab

ExoLab Alert 

Dear Exolab Educators, because Flash is no longer supported, we’ve developed a brand new DIY Planet Search website to replace ExoLab.
You can sign up for an account here: DIY Planet Search website