SMA MIRIAD for SWARM data handling (reference link) & SMASD
SMA Miriad on public computers (January 12, 2018 & History)
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Location | Computers / OS1 | Setup | Version6 | Description |
SMA Hawaii |
hilodr2, hilodr3 / RedHat 6.9 |
source /sma/local/miriad_WB/automiriad.csh
| Miriad- SMA-WB5.0.7 |
Handling ASIC+SWARM as well as SWARM only (4Q)7 data |
RG Cambridge |
rtdc74 / RedHat 6.9 |
source /home/miriad/miriad_WB/automiriad.csh
Miriad- SMA-WB5.0.7 |
Handling ASIC+SWARM as well as SWARM only (4Q)7 data |
rtdc74 / RedHat 6.9 |
source /home/miriad/miriad-SMASD/miriadWB.csh |
Miriad-SMASD4.0.1 |
Handling ASIC+SWARM as well as SWARM only (2Q)7 data |
source /home/miriad/miriad-SMASD/miriad4G.csh |
Miriad-SMASD4.0.1 |
Handling ASIC 4GHz data |
source /home/miriad/miriad-SMASD/miriad2G.csh |
Miriad-SMASD4.0.1 |
Handling ASIC 2GHz data |
smadr1 / RedHat 6.? |
source /sma/local/miriad_WB/automiriad.csh
N/A |
Handling ASIC+SWARM data |
CF Cambridge |
jupiter4/neptune4 / CentOS 6.9/6.9 |
source /home/miriad/miriad_WB/automiriad.csh
| Miriad-SMA-WB3.1.5 |
Handling ASIC+SWARM data |
SWARM testing data & scripts of reduction for earlier testing data |
System | Test data storage area | Filename | Target | Scripts2 |
SMA Hawaii |
/data/engineering/mir_data.2013/ |
| mwc349a |
131121mwc349a.csh |
/data/engineering/mir_data/ |
| MWC-Good |
140411MWC-Good.csh |
/sma/reduction/smamiriad/data/ |
| sgrb2n |
140424sgrb2n.csh |
RG Cambridge |
/2014/engineering/mir_data/ |
| sgrb2n |
140424sgrb2n.csh |
SWARM data & scripts: pre-processing steps for DRX modes |
System | Test data storage area | Filename | RX-ID, # of Fconfigs | Scripts2 |
Step 18 |
SMA data archive - science |
| Any daul RX pair |
swarmDRXload.csh9 |
Step 210 |
SMA data archive - science |
RX 230 & 240,
Two Fconfigs |
SMA data archive - science |
RX 340 & 240,
Two Fconfigs |
SMA data archive - science |
RX 340 & 400,
Two Fconfigs |
SMA data archive - science |
RX 240 & 400,
Two Fconfigs |
SMA data archive - baseline |
Any RX pair,
Single Fconfigs |
1 hilodr3 in Hilo and smadr1 at RG are clone of hilodr2.
2 The examples of scripts are provided here for software tests; please report bugs
to the SMA Miriad bug report system.
3 The data file 140424_12:18:22 is the corrected version that
was transferred over from
4 A service before the duplicated smadr1 online.
5 Installed and updated since April 30, 2014; backed up SMA-WB & SMASD on CF system.
6 For the testing versions updated during the development period,
a proposed policy for institute-wide distribution of SMA Miriad software:
- A newly updated Miriad-SMA-WB version (wideband only)
will be exported to on RG/RTDC system
for a month; or the current version distributed on
the RG/RTDC system contains the libraries and tasks that are newly implemented for next version.
If no issues reported from internal users,
the version will be released to the SMA system in Hilo. For obvious bugs fixed,
the code upgrated with corrections for both data and software issues
will be immedially exported to both public computer systems at Hawaii and Cambridge.
- A newly updated Miriad-SMASD version
(single distribution for wideband, 4GHz, and 2GHz) will be released first on RG system.
It will have not been exported to CF system until receiving positive feedback from the internal user community at CfA,
concerning debugging and adjusting.
7 May require a permission from PI or RTDC for using this data sets.
8 Step 1 of pre-process is load SMA archival data and convert it to Miriad where to examine the data structure
for SMA daul RX configuration and observing setup.
9 The script is the Step 1 of pre-processing to load and convert SMA archival data to Miriad. - It applies for daul receiver for any two RX cobinations
with either one or more output frequency configurations. The name of archival dataset needs to be changed.
10 Step 2 of pre-process is to apply Tsys corrections to the SMA data in Miriad for further data reduction elsewhere.
Identifying RX pair and output frequency configuration, users can use one of the following script examples for Step 2
process. The prefix of intermediate data file name needs to be changed.
11C-shell script of Step 2 for a RX pair 230/240 with two output frequency configurations.
12C-shell script of Step 2 for a RX pair 340/240 with two output frequency configurations.
13C-shell script of Step 2 for a RX pair 340/400 with two output frequency configurations.
14C-shell script of Step 2 for a RX pair 240/400 with two output frequency configurations.
15C-shell script of Step 2 for any RX pair with single output frequency configuration.
Q stands for quadrant, or two SWARM spectral chunks of 2GHz BW for each sideband, 4Q giving BW = 4 x 2GHz per sideband
for daul RX case or BW = 4 x 2 x 2GHz per sideband
for single RX case. The SMA may expand the SWARM correlator with more spectral chunks in the near future.
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