from:	Young, Ken 
to:	Chunhua Qi ,
Mark Gurwell ,
Jun-Hui Zhao 
date:	Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 2:37 PM
subject:	First SWARM-only data

 Starting next semester, we plan to be taking data with just the SWARM correlator.   My software is (barely) able to take SWARM-only data now.   If you want to see a little sample of such data, check out


MIR seems pretty happy with it - readdata barfs one floating point overflow data, but that may be because the first scan (which is flagged bad) is DC data.   I don't know why that happened, and it doesn't happen most of the time when I run the new code.   Anyway, things like plot_spectra, plot_continuum, apply_tsys etc seem to work properly.   It looks like the LSB phase is flipped - I'll fix that soon.

We'll all need to make sure our code can run SWARM-only by Nov. 15th.   This little data set can be used to check for gross problems.
