from:	Young, Ken 
to:	Chunhua Qi ,
Mark Gurwell ,
Jun-Hui Zhao 

Dear SMA Data Enthusiast,

   I took some more SWARM-only data today.    This was the first time I tried to do a track, including priming, with the ASIC correlator powered-down.   The data set is an observation of Orion BN/KL with CO(2-1) centered in chunk s2 USB.   Uranus was observed as a flux calibrator, and 0501-019 was the gain calibrator.   Uranus, 0501-019 and 3c84 can be used for bandpass calibration.   One of the early scans on Uranus is bad for baseline 1-5 only.   The data directory is
/sma/rtdata/engineering/mir_data/160914_13:45:12 .   Please take a look at it if you have time, and see if you can spot problems.

   Extra Bonus Motivation for Mark:   This data set contains the flux observations you asked Glen to do.   Your script was started after Uranus was below the subcompact limits, but there is Uranus data earlier in the data set (with the same pointing offsets).
