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Change in SWARM normalization reply      #29874
Taco, Rurik, Mark
2015 Apr 20 14:37:56 UTC
Categories: General, Correlator, Software
Antenna: none
entered by: rtm
The raw cross-correlation data from SWARM needs to be normalized by the auto-correlation, as part of the calibration process. This normalization is performed by the dataCatcher program, before the cross-correlation data is stored on disk. Because the auto-correlation data is also stored, the normalization can be undone in post processing, if need be. Although the full (current) bandwidth of SWARM is (6/11)*2.288 = 1.248 GHz, there are filters installed which pass only 1 GHz of the IF to SWARM. This means that the amplitude of the auto-correlation spectra is extremely low in the "guard band", the channels near both edges of the spectra. There are ~ (1.248 - 1)*16384 = 4063 of these low amplitude guard band channels. Normalizing the cross-correlation by dividing by the auto-correlation dramatically raises the amplitudes (relative to the good channels) as shown below, with SWARM s49 data on baseline 3-4 from Saturday night's science track:

In principle, this should not make any difference. The guard band channels are not supposed to be used for science anyway. But there is a quirk in our data file format that makes this normalization problematic. In our data files, the visibilities are stored as 16 bit integers (one 16 bit int for the real part, one 16 bit int for the imaginary part). A scale factor is stored for each chunk which allows the 16 bit integers to be (approximately) converted back to the original floating point value. This conversion to 16 bit integers reduces the file size by approximately a factor of 2. We inherited this format from OVRO, when we adopted the MIR format for our raw data files. However, since there is only one scale factor for each chunk, all the visibilites must be stored with values between 0 and 65535. Because the normalized SWARM chunks had huge amplitudes in the edge channels, most of the dynamic range of the 16 bit integers was used to express those very large values. The scientifically useful channels had to be expressed in very few bits, leading to quantization of the amplitude and phase, as shown below in a plotms() display from CASA:

The procedure by which the SWARM spectra are normalized was changed yesterday (Apr 19) to solve this problem. The data in the scientifically usable channels, the data in the IF regions 8-9 GHz (s49) and 11-12 GHz (s50), are still normalized as they have been; they are divided by the auto-correlation, channel by channel. The edge channels outside the good parts of the spectra are still normalized, but they are now normalized by the average value of the auto-correlation in the good part of the IF. In other words, the guard channels are no longer normalized by the corresponding channels in the auto-correlation, they are all normalized by the same value, which is the average value for the autocorrelation in the good part of the spectrum. This gets rid of the huge amplitudes in the edge channels, as shown in the plot below, produced from last night's science track:

Notice in the plot above that there are discontinuities in the amplitude at the transition from the good channels to the guard channels, because of the differing normalizations. Of course the filters defining the IF passbands are not infinitely sharp, and it is possible that we will detect spectral features in the guard bands. If so, the auto-correlations will need to be used to properly normalize those channels in post-processing; by default, the guard channels will no longer be correctly normalized.

When new filters are installed to increase SWARM's bandwidth, we'll need to put the new filter widths in dataCatcher, so that all of the good channels will be properly normalized by default.

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