from:	Young, Ken 
to:	"Zhao, Jun-Hui" 
cc:	Mark Gurwell ,
Qizhou Zhang ,
Glen Petitpas ,
Chunhua Qi ,
David Wilner ,
Nimesh Patel ,
Eric Keto ,
Jonathan Weintroub 

Hi Jun-Hui,

   You're right - there was no change to the Tsys file.   As you know, Kim is making a new continuum detector system that will allow us to measure Tsys at 1 GHz intervals throughout the IF.   It seems unlikely, though, that his new system will be deployed by the time the second quadrant of SWARM is deployed (end of Sept 2015).   So it is likely that we will run for at least a while with the same Tsys coverage even when we have two SWARM quadrants.   In any event, since our receivers are double sideband, we really can't measure separate USB and LSB Tsys values.


On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Zhao, Jun-Hui  wrote:

    Hi Taco,
         I looked at the test file /sma/SMAusers/taco/SWARMTests/twoSWARM that you duplicated s51 and s52 from s49 and s50.
    It seems that you only duplicated the visibility data. Have you also duplicated the tsys values for the new SWARM quad?
    In the current tsys measurements, there appears no separation between LSB and USB. Do we plan to separate LSB and USB in
    the near future?