from:	Zhao, Jun-Hui 
to:	chris sedgwick 
cc:	"" ,
Holly Sarah ,
date:	Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 2:59 PM
subject:	Re: Pre-processing of SMA data set
Hi Chris,
    You may send Holly at rtdc or a request for Miriad formatted data  with full name
of the raw SMA archived data produced from your project. The SMA data distributors will run swarmDRXload.csh on a CfA public
Linux station at RG Cambridge or SMA site Hawaii and then put the Miriad compatible data for your downloading.
swarmDRXload.csh produces Miriad compatiable data with full spectral resolution of the SMA SWARM correlator.

    We develop Miriad for SMA on a Dell Linux with RedHat OS and also test the code on a Mac with Linux CentOS.

    You seem to be a Mac user. I would suggest you to install VMwave Fusion which allows you to run Linux with CentOS
on a virtual machine along with MacOS X.

    If you have further issues on the reduction of the SMA data with Miriad, we provide a cyber-telecom meeting if you are not able to
travel to Cambridge, MA ( We can set up such a meeting upon your request; the agenda
of the cyber-telecom meeting will be shared with other interested users.



On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 12:13 PM, chris sedgwick  wrote:


    I am following the suggestion on your "MIRIAD SWARM Software for Users Outside CfA" page.

    I would be grateful if you could pre-process the data: 170719_02/54/43bin4

    I have tried to run the script swarmDRXload.csh on my Mac but it requires the smalod routine from MIRIAD. I have downloaded SMA-MIRIAD 
from this web page, but it seems to require Linux. I understand MIRIAD will work 
on the normal Mac Unix OS - does the SMA version require me to instal Linux on my Mac ?


    Best wishes
    Chris Sedgwick