Task:   moscsdi
  map      =  
  beam     =  
  model    =  
  out      =  
  gain     =  
  niters   =  
  cutoff   =  
  clip     =  
  region   =  
Task:    moscsdi

Responsible: Bob Sault

         MOSCSDI is a MIRIAD task that performs a Complex Steer CLEAN on
         mosaiced Q and U images or cubes. This follows the CSDI MIRIAD task,
         but adapted for a mosaic, see the help for this task for more 

         Full details of the algorithm are found in: 
         Pratley & Johnston-Hollitt, "An improved method for polarimetric 
         image restoration in interferometry", MNRAS, 2016. ArXiv: 1606.01482. 
         Please acknowledge this work in publications using the code.

Keyword: map
         The input Q and U dirty map, which should have units of Jy/beam
         No default.

Keyword: beam
         The input dirty beam. No default

Keyword: model
         An initial Q and U model of the deconvolved image.
         The default is 0.

Keyword: out
         The name of the Q and U output map.
         The units of the output will be Jy/pixel.

Keyword: gain
         CLEAN loop gain. The default is 0.1.

Keyword: niters
         The maximum number of iterations. The default is 100.

Keyword: cutoff
         Iterating stops if the absolute maximum residual falls below 
         this level.  The default is 0. It is recommended that the
         cutoff is 3 times the rms noise of Stokes Q or U.

Keyword: clip
         This sets the relative clip level.  Values are typically 0.75 to
         0.9.  The default is 0.9.

Keyword: region
         The standard region of interest keyword.  See the help on
         "region" for more information. The default is the entire image.

         scsdi.for,v 1.1 2016/06/12 04:11:06 wie017 Exp $