from:	Hauyu Baobab Liu 
to:	melvyn wright 
cc:	Qizhou Zhang ,
Jun-Hui Zhao 
date:	Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 5:16 AM
subject:	Re: SMA SWARM full polarization observations towards Sgr A*

Dear Dr. Wright,

This calibration problem is limited to SWARM correlator.
Fortunately we haven't made any scientific analysis with our SWARM full polarization data.
I just realize that it is almost a year from when we took those JCMT and SMA data.

On the other hand, there is a new JCMT-POL2 pipeline released this spring.
Hua-bai told me that with the new pipeline,
the calibrated image of some (but not all) data changed dramatically.
I am moving on to check the JCMT calibration.
Part of our SMA data taken last September still went through the old ASIC correlator.
The hope is that after applying the new pipeline, there is a consistency between Planck, JCMT, and SMA-ASIC.
In the worst case scenario, I will use SMA and Planck data to cross calibrate the absolute polarization position angle of JCMT.

Best wishes,