This site contains the information and the SMA Miriad version for accommodating data from the new wideband SWARM correlator (SMA Wideband Astronomical ROACH2 Machine) as well as the Legacy ASIC correlator (4GHz BW) with changes of a new SMA data format. The new code has been installed in the public computer systems at CfA. The new Miriad (Miriad-SWARM) is able to handle SWARM data in full spectral resolution1. Please send us your report concerning errors and bugs in your reduction of SMA data.

1For more than one quadriant SWARM data, see instruction of
SMA Miriad Meeting: item 2 on May 09, 2016

Miriad SWARM on CfA public system - Miriad SWARM for Users outside CfA - SWARM correlator - wSMA Operation - Full polarization - Miriad 64 bit integer & 16 bit floating format - Discussions - Miriad graphic apps issues - Data & Software Status -
Any comments should be submitted to: smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu.