[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Basic Information on wvcal

Task: wvcal
Purpose: Estimate antenna gains from WVR measurements.
Categories: calibration, atmospheric phase

WVCAL estimates atmospheric phase corrections
from WVR measurements. The WVR data are interpolated
to the integration times of the interferometer data
and written into the gains item.

Key: vis
Name of input uv-data file. No default.

Key: wvr
Name of input WVR data files. WVCAL looks for filenames
wvrN, where N=1,nants. The phase correction is set to zero
if no WVR data file is found for any antenna. No default.

Key: pgain
`pgain' gives the antenna phase change with WVR path length in 
in units of radians/millimeter. Default = 0. calculates
-2pi/lambda radians/millimeter from the observing frequency.

Key: interval
The length of time, in minutes, of a gain solution.
Default uses the interferometer integration interval,
but use a larger value in cases of poor signal to noise, or
if the atmosphere and instrument is fairly stable.

Key: timeoff
time offset in seconds for each antenna. 

Key: out
Name of output uv-data file. The default is to write the gain
corrections into the input visibility file.

Key: device
PGPLOT device to plot mmpath versus airmass. Default is no plot.

Key: airmass
airmass range (min,max) to use.

Key: mmpath
mmpath range (min,max) to use.

Key: options
Extra processing options. Several can be given, separated by
commas. Minimum match is used. Possible values are:
  filter   Filter out data more than 2 sigma from the mean path.
  scale    Scale the measured path by the slope for each antenna.
  subtract Subtract the average for each antenna.

User Guide References to wvcal

[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012