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Basic Information on schedobs

Task: schedobs
Purpose: Make observing schedule on a PGPLOT device.
Categories: analysis, plotting

SchedObs - Plot UT time vs. EL for the scheduling sources
           for given observing date, beginning of observing time
           and observing interval. The source list must be given 
           in text file. 'Options=hst' is provided for converting
           UT to HST.

Key: axis
Two values (minimum match active), one for each of the x
and y axes chosen from:
Defaults are axis=time,el  (x and y axes).

Key: telescop
This specifies the observatory to be used for the observation.
The observatory must be defined in obspar.for:
alma,      atca,      carma,     ceduna30m, 
cso,       hatcreek,  hobart26m, iram15m,
jcmt,      kittpeak,  mopra,     nro10m,
onsala,    ovro,      parkes,    penticton,
rpa,       sest,      sma,       sza,
sza10,     sza6,      vla,       wsrt. 
Default is sma.

Key: obsdate
This gives observing date in format of [yyyymmmdd], e.g.,
obsdate = 2006mar10    

Key: UTstart
This gives the beginning time of the track in UT 
[hh,mm,ss.s] format, e.g.,
UTstart = 8,30,0.0

Key: obshours
This gives total observing time in hours.
Default is 8 hrs.

Key: sfile
This gives the text file of the source list in the format
of [sourname hh:mm:ss.sss ddd:mm:ss.ss], e.g.

1924-292 19:24:51.060 -29:14:30.12
3c446.0  22:25:47.260 -04:57:01.39
3c454.3  22:53:57.740  16:08:53.56
SgrB2_M  17:47:20.160 -28:23:03.56

The first eight characters are the source name followed
by a space; starting at the 10th character, the RA
string consists of 12 characters followed by a space;
then the sign of Dec is placed at the 23th 
character followed by the Dec string.
Source name must consist of 8 characters or less.
Coordinates must be given in J2000. For objects
in the Solar system, one needs to find their coordinates
at the observing epoch from ephemeris.

Key: device
PGPLOT plot device/type. No default.

Key: nxy
Number of plots in the x and y directions for when plotting
each baseline separately. Defaults try to choose something

Key: options
Extra processing options.
'hst'   For the time axis, the UT time will be converted
        to HST time and the time axis will be labelled as
        'Time (HST)'.
The default is UT time and the time axis is labelled as
        'Time (UT)'.

Key: mirhome
location of MIRIAD's home directory;
The default is $MIR.

User Guide References to schedobs

[ Basic Info | References | User Guide ]

Generated by smamiriad@cfa.harvard.edu on 09 Jul 2012