Date: June 8, 2012 (Friday)
Time: 15:00 to 16:00 EDT
Location: Concord ave 160, 2nd Floor (M-240)
1) Questions and Answers on SMA data reduction in Miriad
Data swap in Miriad is handled at a system level for big and
little endian computers. Double check for the new data from
the online data computer (HCN).
Usage of SMALOD in Miriad for handling different endian format of online data.
2) New release beta 1.4.4
- new task: SmaCatool - reads calibrator catalogs and
plots the various curves, exported to $MIRSRC/prog/sma
- new variable: tau0 (CSO tau at 225 GHz) - accommodated in SMA Miriad files
- updated task: SmaFix - increases the maximum number of tracked sources to 100
- updated task: SmaVarplt - plot tau0
- SMA catalog: - exported to $MIRCAT
- Software Limits (SmaLod): Add a write status in screen report, giving a warning
message for surpassing software limit
- Note to 1.4.4: The new release is only tested for binray installation on RH (centOS) 6.
We are still working on the binary installation for RH (centOS) 5 and FC 9/higher,
as well as Ubuntu OS.
The beta 1.4.4 has been released. CfA wide public computers have been
updated. The binary packages RH (centOS) 5 and 6 have been also released.
With new Dell with ubuntu OS, we are debugging the codes. A testing
binary package (Ubuntu 10.10 32bit) has been also given at the beta
3) Development on web GUI for Miriad calibrator catalogs
For the time being, we will only keep the calibrator catalogs internal to Miriad and
no GUI is available. We will address this issue later.
4) Support new SMA correlator
Support handling large size data files (> 3.7 GBytes)
We will support large size file of 20Gbyte + .
- Review software/hardware limits
- Old Standard: SMA Software Limits
- Current Double Band: a maximum number of spectral chunks = 49 per sideband, with a size limit of 17.2 Gbytes
- New SMA Correlator: Limits
New software limits are discussed:
MAXCHAN = 6144 + 28000 (maximum channels per bl, sb, rx, pol)
MAXANT = 8 (maximum number of antennas for the standard SMA)
MAXBAS = 112 (maximum number of baselines =
MAXINT = 12,960 (maximum number of integration scans =
18h for 5s integration)
MAXSCHAN = 28000? (maximum channels per spectral window (chunk))
MAXCHUNK = 51 (maxmimu number of spectral windows per side band)
C1, S1-to-S48, W1 and W2
C1 is a single channel data, a vector-averaged of the spectral data
from S1-to-S48, W1 and W2.
MAXSRC = 100 (maximum number of sources per track,
about 10.8 min per source in a 18h track)
MAXRX = 2 (maximum number of rx per track)
MAXPOL = 4 (maximum pol states)
MAXDATA = (1+6144+2800)*112
= 3,824,240 (maximum data per integration)
Jun-Hui Zhao
Astrophysicist at SAO
60 Garden St., MS 78
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 617 496 7895