Sample source code:
/****************************************************************/ /* read_fitsidi.c */ /* sample main program to read SMA FITS-IDI data file */ /* read SMA FITS-IDI tables(AG,FQ,SU,AN,UV) */ /* */ /****************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <math.h> #include "../lib/fits_reader.h" #include "../lib/smadb.h" int n_bytes_read = 2880; int n_bytes_per_block = 28800; main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { struct tbl_header table_hd; struct basic_header basic_hd; struct ag_FITS array_table[20]; struct su_FITS source_table[10]; struct fq_FITS freq_table[50]; struct an_FITS an_table[10]; struct run_log Run_Log; struct fits_key Fits_Key; struct arr_geo Arr_Geo; struct freq db_freq[50]; int i, j, k, nsrcs; int fd, iread, irow, no_pol; int nrows, nread, iband, nband; int n0 = 0, nstns; double ref_freq; char filename[64]; char bbside[3]; FILE *flist;
if ((flist = fopen ("readfits.log", "w")) == NULL) { printf ("cannot open output data file\n"); perror ("open error:"); exit (0); } /* open input file */ if (argc > 1) strcpy (filename, argv[1]); if ((fd = open (filename, n0)) == -1) { printf ("Cannot open %s, error=%d\n", filename, fd); exit (0); } printf("opened file : %s\n", filename); table_hd.xtension[0] = '\0'; /* read fits basic header */ n_bytes_read = n_bytes_per_block; if ((nread = read_BasicHdr (fd, flist, &Run_Log)) == 0) { close (fd); exit (0); } printf ("\n"); printf ("=== Finished reading basic header ===\n"); printf ("obscode =%s\n", Run_Log.obscode); table_hd.xtension[0] = '\0'; table_hd.extname[0] = '\0'; nread = 0; no_pol = 2; /* read AG table */ nstns = readAG (fd, flist, nread, &table_hd, &Fits_Key, &Arr_Geo, &array_table[0]); if(Fits_Key.no_stkd == 1) no_pol = 1; printf ("\n"); printf ("=== Finished reading AG table ===\n"); printf("<< Station offset from array origin >>\n"); printf(" Antenna stabx staby stabz\n"); for (i = 0; i < nstns; i++) { printf(" %d %-8s %14.4f %14.4f %14.4f\n", array_table[i].stnid, array_table[i].anname, array_table[i].stabxyz[0], array_table[i].stabxyz[1], array_table[i].stabxyz[2]); } /* read FQ table */ nrows = readFQ (fd, flist, nread, &table_hd, &freq_table[0], &db_freq[0]); printf ("\n"); printf ("=== Finished reading FQ table ===\n"); printf ("band, bb_freq(Hz), ch_width(Hz), total_BW(Hz), bb_chan, freq(GH z), SB, POLI\n"); nband = Fits_Key.no_band; ref_freq = Fits_Key.ref_freq; printf ("ref_freq = %f\n", ref_freq); for (iread = 0; iread < table_hd.naxis2; iread++) { for (iband = 0; iband < nband; iband++) { if (freq_table[iread].sideband[iband] == -1) strcpy (bbside, "L"); if (freq_table[iread].sideband[iband] == 1) strcpy (bbside, "U"); printf (" %d %14.1f %10.1f %10.1f %2d | %10.6f %s\n", iband + 1, freq_table[iread].bandfreq[iband], freq_table[iread].ch_width[iband], freq_table[iread].total_bandwidth[iband], freq_table[iread].bb_chan[iband], (ref_freq + freq_table[iread].bandfreq[iband])/1.0e+9, bbside); } } /* read SU table */ nsrcs = readSU (fd, flist, nread, &table_hd, &source_table); printf ("\n"); printf ("=== Finished reading SU table ===\n"); printf ("ID Source Calcode RA Dec Epoch\n"); for (j = 0; j < nsrcs; j++) { printf ("%2d %-16s %-s %14.4f %14.4f %6.1f\n", source_table[j].sou_ id, source_table[j].source, source_table[j].calcode, source_table[j].ra, source_table[j].dec, source_table[j].epoch); for (k=0; k< nband; k++) { printf (" band = %d, Vsys = %f\n", k+1,source_table[j].sysvel[k]); } } /* read AN table */ nrows = readAN (fd, flist, nread, &table_hd, &an_table); printf ("\n"); printf ("=== Finished reading AN table ===\n"); printf ("MJD at mid-datapoints: %f \n", an_table[0].time); printf ("time span of data (day): %f \n", an_table[0].time_intvl); printf ("no of pol : %d \n", no_pol); /* read UV table */ printf ("\n"); printf ("=== Finished reading UV table ===\n"); nrows = readUV (fd, flist, nread, &table_hd); }
gcc -o read_fits read_fitsidi.c -lm -L/home/tsutsumi/sniffer/lib -lrdsmafits
Execution of read_fits yields following output on console:
read_fits /home/tsutsumi/00010002.FIT opened file : /home/tsutsumi/00010002.FIT === Finished reading basic header === obscode =TEST0002 === Finished reading AG table === << Station offset from array origin >> Antenna stabx staby stabz 1 SMA_p2 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2 SMA_p3 -0.5398 15.4366 -0.0558 3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 8 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 === Finished reading FQ table === band, bb_freq(Hz), ch_width(Hz), total_BW(Hz), bb_chan, freq(GH z), SB, POLI ref_freq = 230438000000.000000 1 0.0 2000000.0 256000000.0 0 | 230.438000 U === Finished reading SU table === ID Source Calcode RA Dec Epoch 1 IRC10216 C 146.9891 13.2789 2000.0 band = 1, Vsys = 0.000000 === Finished reading AN table === MJD at mid-datapoints: 51163.403287 time span of data (day): 0.375625 no of pol : 1 === Finished reading UV table === real and imaginary part of visibility first 10 records (channel = 1) record1 Re = -0.201737, Im = -0.067500 record2 Re = -0.053258, Im = -0.048156 record3 Re = -0.075533, Im = 0.005921 record4 Re = -0.052813, Im = -0.440354 record5 Re = 0.158620, Im = -0.027928 record6 Re = 0.177189, Im = -0.129926 record7 Re = 0.099060, Im = -0.100129 record8 Re = 0.146315, Im = -0.064175 record9 Re = 0.197210, Im = -0.074321 record10 Re = -0.396971, Im = 0.063831