SMA Community Day
Monday, July 11, 2011
9:00 AM - 3 PM
Phillips Auditorium
The SMA is a pioneering radio interferometer designed for arc-second imaging in the sub-millimeter spectrum. Used primarily used for imaging molecular lines and dust continuum in cold interstellar clouds, the SMA has also found application in observations of high energy phenomena, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, and blazars. Similar in design and operation to the large-scale ALMA telescope that is just now completing construction, the SMA is a forerunner in many of the research areas planned for ALMA.
The purpose of this meeting is to update the CfA community on the technical capabilities of the SMA, present some recent results, and assist CfA scientists in determining how the SMA can help them in their research.
The meeting format will consist of both scientific and technical talks with ample time for discussion and questions. The scientific program will run before lunch. In the early afternoon, a technical program will introduce the SMA to assist those thinking about or planning SMA observations. While primarily intended for the CfA community, the meeting is open to astronomers from other institutions. There is no registration fee, but if you plan to attend, we would appreciate it if you could register below so that we can determine how many people to expect.
If you are planning on attending this (no fee) event, please register and let us know if you will be joining us for lunch!
Questions? Please direct any questions to
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