Video Professional Development Workshops
This project has produced a number of eight part professional development workshops for K-12 math and science teachers that include a video component, accompanying print support materials and a Web site. In-service and graduate credit is available for participants.
Assessment in Math and Science: What's the Point?
This eight-part series of interactive workshops on math and science assessment uses video to examine current assessment issues and to explore strategies for assessment reform. Grade level: K-12 math and science.
Looking at Learning . . . Again
This workshop series on learning features seven leading educators and their ideas on how students best learn mathematics and science. Through personal interviews, teacher discussions, and actual classroom footage, the series encourages teachers to examine their beliefs about how children learn, and considers how these beliefs might influence their teaching.Grade level: K-12 math and science.
Looking at Learning . . . Again, Part 2
A sequel to Looking at Learning . . . Again, this workshop series features eight leading educators and explores ideas about teaching and learning through personal interviews, teacher discussions and classroom footage. Grade level: K-12 math and science.
Math: What's the Big Idea?
Many teachers are changing the way mathematics is taught in their classrooms. This workshop series supports these efforts by using video to show classrooms that are changing, and by letting participants hear and see the teachers who are working in these classrooms. Grade level: K-8 math.
The Next Move
This eight-part workshop series for K-5 teachers explores current issues of classroom change with the goal of helping teachers continue to move toward more student-centered classrooms. Grade level: K-5 math and science.
Principles for Principals
This workshop series is by, for, and about principals who are working to improve student achievement in mathematics and science in schools K through 12. Participants will learn about the impact of state and national standards, discuss varied approaches to teaching and learning in math and science, see new curricula being implemented, and compare effective models of professional development for teachers and principals. Grade level: K-12 principals.
The Science of Teaching Science
Using video clips of real classrooms, this series provides motivation, encouragement, models, and support for K-12 teachers who want to explore ways to improve their science teaching. Grade level: K-8 science.
Shedding Light on Science
This series uses light as a theme through which to explore topics in physics, chemistry, biology, and Earth and space science. The workshops show how light is a common thread that runs through many areas of science and makes connections to real world phenomena as participants explore the behavior of light, the transformation of energy, and the role of light in plant production of food, weather and the seasons, and more. Grade level: K-5 science.
Grade Levels: All
For more information, please contact: Nancy Finkelstein, nfinkelstein@cfa (add, (617) 496-7687