CfA Safety

The Center for Astrophysics is committed to providing a safe and healthful workplace for all employees and visitors. Accomplishing this goal requires the participation and cooperation of everyone associated with the CfA: employees, fellows, students, volunteers, and visitors. The CfA Safety Office is committed to assisting the Director, Associate Directors, Division Chairs, Department Managers, principal investigators, managers, supervisors, and all other staff in maintaining a safe working environment.

The safety program at the Center for Astrophysics resides in the Director's Office and is overseen by Wystan Benbow, Associate Director for Facilities & Telescopes. Safety, health, and environmental issue are managed by SAO at 100 Acorn Park Drive (CDP) and 15 Wayside Road and by Harvard Environmental Health & Safety at 60 Garden Street and 160 Concord Avenue. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the person listed below based on the building in which you reside:

100 Acorn Park Drive and 15 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA

60 Garden Street and 160 Concord Avenue

Contact with any of these individuals can also be made at


Fire, Police or Medical Emergency: 9-911

  • To report a crime at 60 Garden Street: Harvard Campus Police (617-495-1212)

Lab Emergencies

  • 100 Acorn Park Drive:
  • 60 Garden Street: Harvard University Operations Center – 617-495-5560
  • 160 Concord Avenue: Harvard University Operations Center – 617-495-5560

All Other Building Emergencies

  • 15 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA: Kris Broll (617-998-0604)
  • 100 Acorn Park Drive: Greg Killian (857-287-1270) or the Bullfinch paging system (617-904-8396)
  • 60 Garden Street: Charles Hickey (617-495-9238) or the Harvard University Operation Center (617-495-5560)
  • 160 Concord Avenue: Greg Killian (857-287-1270)

In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation, sound the fire alarm at the nearest pull-station.