Individual Surveys: Ophiuchus (DHT37)
de Geus, Bronfman, & Thaddeus (1990), A&A, 231, 137
move cursor over image for interpolated version |
FITS Cubes | 1.8 MB each |
Raw: |    DHT37_Ophiuchus_raw.fits |
Raw Header: |    DHT37_Ophiuchus_raw.txt |
Interpolated*: |    DHT37_Ophiuchus_interp.fits |
Moment masked: |    DHT37_Ophiuchus_mom.fits |
plane, single missing pixels are filled by linear interpolation, first in l direction, then b.
The survey was conducted with the 100 kHz filterbank on the southern telescope, providing a velocity resolution of 0.26 km/s and velocity coverage of 67 km/s, more than adequate for the Ophiuchus region. |