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Further Information:

Instrument Description for Observers

Observing Manual (Static PDF)

  • Slit Mask information
  • Observing Protocol
  • Data Reduction Pipeline

    Instrument paper
    Data reduction paper

  • PI: B. McLeod
    Project Engineer: George Nystrom

    The MMT and Magellan Infrared Spectrograph is a wide-field near-IR imager and multi-object spectrograph built by SAO. MMIRS was commissioned on the MMT in 2009, used on Magellan's 6.5m Clay Telescope from 2010-2015, and is back in use at the MMT since June, 2015.

    MMIRS is based on the FLAMINGOS and FLAMINGOS 2 instruments that were developed by Richard Elston and Steve Eikenberry's group at the University of Florida.

    MMIRS offers a maximum resolution of R~3000 with a 0.4 arcsec slit. The focal scale is 0.202 arcsec/pixel, providing a 6.9 by 6.9 arcmin field of view for imaging. With slit masks the field of view will be 4 by 6.9 arcmin.