pro bad_hand, ps=ps, zdb=zdb ; This routine prompts the user for information needed to provide ; bad data flag information in the "images" database. ; The images database must exist for this routine to run successfully. ; The user specifies a date, and the routine plots diagnostics that ; relate to clouds, to astrometric errors, and to PSF fitting errors. ; The user specifies which images are to be flagged as bad via cursor ; activity, and appropriate flags are entered into the images database ; before the routine exits. print, '*****current version as of 051206*****' ; Trunk directories where PS and GIF files are created. Make sure they exist! psdir='/mnt/server/tbrown/dbase/diagnostics/plots_ps/' gifdir='/mnt/server/tbrown/dbase/diagnostics/plots_gif/' ;psdir='/knobos/e/kolinski/kepler_diagnostics/plots_ps/' ;gifdir='/knobos/e/kolinski/kepler_diagnostics/plots_gif/' ;psdir='/knobos/e/kolinski/kepler_diagnostics/test/' ;gifdir='/knobos/e/kolinski/kepler_diagnostics/test/' ; constants timez=7 ; timezone -- local time = UT -timez tstrt=15 ; earliest plausible start time, local hours tend=34 ; latest plausible end time, local hours (>24 ok) rad2deg=57.295 ; degrees per radian filtnam=['u ','g ','r ','i ','z ',$ 'Gred ','D51 '] zdbase=getenv('ZDBASE') if(keyword_set(zdb)) then zdbase=zdb astrolib imdbase=zdbase+'/survey/images/images' jdrnd=.00002 ; JD roundoff slop allowed mmoff=[15.59,13.76,13.20,12.94,12.84,14.36,14.36] ; typical minmag values !priv=2 loadct, 39 ; identify night in question date: print,'Enter Mt. Hopkins LOCAL date for beginning-of-night yyyy mm dd' read,yy,mm,dd if(yy lt 2002 or yy gt 2010 or mm lt 1 or mm gt 12 or dd lt 1 or dd gt 31) $ then begin print,'Illegal date: Need 2002 <= yyyy <= 2010, etc. Try again.' goto,date endif jd0=julday(mm,dd,yy,0,0,0) ; corresp to noon UT = 5AM before obs jdmn=jd0+(timez+tstrt)/24. ; min plausible start date jdmx=jd0+(timez+tend)/24. ; max ditto f1='(f13.5)' sjdmn=string(jdmn-jdrnd,format=f1) sjdmx=string(jdmx+jdrnd,format=f1) ; get data on images within this jd, sorted by time dbopen,imdbase s=dbfind(sjdmn+' < jd < '+sjdmx) nim=n_elements(s) if(s(0) eq 0) then begin print,'No images for this date, jd = ',jd0 print,'Quit? (y/n)' ss='' & read,ss if(ss eq 'y') then goto,fini else goto,date endif sox=dbsort(s,'jd') dbext,sox,'entry,jd,ra,dec,exptime,filter,cldflg,astflg,fitflg',$ iseq,jd,ra,dec,exptime,filter,cldf,astf,fitf nobs=n_elements(iseq) ; read the ingestion log data, sort by time rd_obsdiag,jdmn,jdmx,jdo,obsno,filto,expto,noino,no2mo,badso,goodo,refo,targo,$ newo,diags,zdb=zdb so=sort(jdo) jdo=jdo(so) filto=filto(so) expto=expto(so) badso(*,*)=badso(*,so) diags(*,*)=diags(*,so) nlo=n_elements(expto) ; make useful temporal coordinates jdz=jd-min(long(jd)) jdoz=jdo-min(long(jd)) ; use jd for both zero points, so can see if ; different days. ; make numerical filter index for each log data sample findx=intarr(nlo) for i=0,6 do begin s=where(strlowcase(strtrim(filto,2)) eq strlowcase(strtrim(filtnam(i))),ns) if(ns gt 0) then findx(s)=i endfor ; Make PS and GIF files of all plots psflag = keyword_set(ps) if (psflag) then begin CALDAT, (min(jd)-1.0D), mon, day, yr yr = STRTRIM(STRING(yr[0]),2) mon = STRTRIM(STRING(mon[0]),2) IF (STRLEN(mon) LT 2) THEN mon='0'+mon day = STRTRIM(STRING(day[0]),2) IF (STRLEN(day) LT 2) THEN day='0'+day pspath = psdir+yr+mon+day+'/' file0 = FINDFILE(pspath, count=ct) IF (ct EQ 0) THEN BEGIN str0 = 'mkdir '+pspath SPAWN, 'umask a+rwx ; '+ str0 + ' ; umask 22' ;make sure directory is world-writable ENDIF gifpath = gifdir+yr+mon+day+'/' file1 = FINDFILE(gifpath, count=ct) IF (ct EQ 0) THEN BEGIN str1 = 'mkdir '+gifpath SPAWN, 'umask a+rwx ; '+ str1 + ' ; umask 22' ENDIF psfile = pspath+yr+mon+day+'' set_plot, 'ps' DEVICE, /helvetica, bits_per_pixel=8, filename=psfile, /landscape, $ /inches, xsize=10, ysize=8, xoffset=.5, yoffset=10.5 set_plot, 'x' endif window, 0, retain=2, xsize=800, ysize=650 !p.multi=[0,1,2] ; plot the sky background and min magnitude plot1: sg=where(strtrim(filto,2) eq 'g',nsg) si=where(strtrim(filto,2) eq 'i',nsi) scf = where(cldf GT 0, nscf) ;test to see if existing flags should be plotted if (nscf GT 0) THEN BEGIN jdp=jdz(scf) yp=fltarr(nscf)+2.5 ENDIF xtit='JD' mnmag=reform(diags(1,*)) ;-mmoff(findx)+13. IF (psflag) THEN BEGIN set_plot, 'ps' ytit='diff SDSS' plot,jdoz,mnmag,psym=-1,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,yran=[-1,2] ;[-.5,.5] ytit='Sky Brightness' plot,jdoz(sg),diags(0,sg),xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,psym=-1,yran=[.5,15.] oplot,jdoz(si),diags(0,si),psym=-2 set_plot, 'x' ENDIF ytit='diff SDSS' plot,jdoz,mnmag,psym=-1,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,charsize=1.0,yran=[-1,2] ;[-.5,.5] ytit='Sky Brightness' plot,jdoz(sg),diags(0,sg),xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,psym=-1,charsize=1.0,yran=[.5,15.] oplot,jdoz(si),diags(0,si),psym=-2 IF (nscf GT 0) THEN oplot,jdp,yp,psym=2 ;plot existing flags IF (psflag) THEN BEGIN giffname = gifpath+yr+mon+day+'_bad_hand_a.gif' tvlct, r, g, b, /get r[0]=255 & g[0]=255 & b[0]=255 r[255]=0 & g[255]=0 & b[255]=0 gif_image = tvrd() write_gif, giffname, gif_image, r, g, b psflag=0 ;turn off plotting so clearing flags won't produce multi-plots ENDIF choose1: ss='' repeat begin print,'Set/Reset/Quit cloud flags?' ss=get_kbrd(1) ss=strlowcase(ss) endrep until (ss eq 's' or ss eq 'r' or ss eq 'q') if(ss eq 'q') then goto,plot2 if(ss eq 'r') then begin cldf(0:nobs-1)=0 goto,plot1 endif if(ss eq 's') then begin print,'click on lower time to be flagged as cloudy' cursor,ix1,iy1,3 print,'Upper time....' cursor,ix2,iy2,3 ixmin=min([ix1,ix2]) ixmax=max([ix1,ix2]) s=where(jdz ge ixmin and jdz le ixmax,ns) if(ns gt 0) then begin jdp=jdz(s) yp=fltarr(ns)+2.5 oplot,jdp,yp,psym=-2 cldf(s)=1 endif goto,choose1 endif ; plot the unmatched stars and rms astrometric error plot2: psflag=keyword_set(ps) ; set back to original value xtit='JD' scf = where(astf GT 0, nscf) ;test to see if existing flags should be plotted if (nscf GT 0) THEN BEGIN jdp=jdz(scf) yp=fltarr(nscf)+2.5 ENDIF IF (psflag) THEN BEGIN set_plot, 'ps' ytit='Unmatched Stars' plot,jdoz,diags(7,*),psym=-1,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,yran=[0,100] ytit='RMS Err (arcsec)' plot,jdoz,diags(6,*),xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,psym=-1,yran=[0.,4.] set_plot, 'x' ENDIF ytit='Unmatched Stars' plot,jdoz,diags(7,*),psym=-1,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,yran=[0,100],charsize=1.0 ytit='RMS Err (arcsec)' plot,jdoz,diags(6,*),xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,psym=-1,yran=[0.,4.],charsize=1.0 IF (nscf GT 0) THEN oplot,jdp,yp,psym=2 ;plot existing flags IF (psflag) THEN BEGIN giffname = gifpath+yr+mon+day+'_bad_hand_b.gif' tvlct, r, g, b, /get r[0]=255 & g[0]=255 & b[0]=255 r[255]=0 & g[255]=0 & b[255]=0 gif_image = tvrd() write_gif, giffname, gif_image, r, g, b psflag=0 ;turn off plotting so clearing flags won't produce multi-plots ENDIF choose2: repeat begin print,'Set/Reset/Quit astrometry flags?' ss=get_kbrd(1) ss=strlowcase(ss) endrep until (ss eq 's' or ss eq 'r' or ss eq 'q') if(ss eq 'q') then goto,plot3 if(ss eq 'r') then begin astf(0:nobs-1)=0 goto,plot2 endif if(ss eq 's') then begin print,'click on lower time to be flagged as bad astrometry' cursor,ix1,iy1,3 print,'Upper time....' cursor,ix2,iy2,3 ixmin=min([ix1,ix2]) ixmax=max([ix1,ix2]) s=where(jdz ge ixmin and jdz le ixmax,ns) if(ns gt 0) then begin jdp=jdz(s) yp=fltarr(ns)+2.5 oplot,jdp,yp,psym=-2 astf(s)=1 endif goto,choose2 endif ; plot the sharp and chi fitting parameters plot3: psflag=keyword_set(ps) ; set back to original value xtit='JD' scf = where(fitf GT 0, nscf) ;test to see if existing flags should be plotted if (nscf GT 0) THEN BEGIN jdp=jdz(scf) yp=fltarr(nscf)+2.5 ENDIF IF (psflag) THEN BEGIN set_plot, 'ps' ytit='Median Sharpness' plot,jdoz,diags(2,*),psym=-1,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,yran=[-2.,2.] ytit='Median Chi' plot,jdoz,diags(3,*),xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,psym=-1,yran=[-1.,5.], linestyle=0 oplot,jdoz,diags(4,*),psym=-2, linestyle=1 oplot,jdoz,diags(5,*),psym=-4, linestyle=2 set_plot, 'x' ENDIF ytit='Median Sharpness' plot,jdoz,diags(2,*),psym=-1,xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,yran=[-2.,2.],charsize=1.0 ytit='Median Chi' plot,jdoz,diags(3,*),xtit=xtit,ytit=ytit,psym=-1,yran=[-1.,5.],color=255, $ charsize=1.0 oplot,jdoz,diags(4,*),psym=-2, color=150 oplot,jdoz,diags(5,*),psym=-4, color=240 IF (nscf GT 0) THEN oplot,jdp,yp,psym=2 ;plot existing flags IF (psflag) THEN BEGIN giffname = gifpath+yr+mon+day+'_bad_hand_c.gif' tvlct, r, g, b, /get r[0]=255 & g[0]=255 & b[0]=255 r[255]=0 & g[255]=0 & b[255]=0 gif_image = tvrd() write_gif, giffname, gif_image, r, g, b psflag=0 ;turn off plotting so clearing flags won't produce multi-plots ENDIF choose3: repeat begin print,'Set/Reset/Quit fitting flags?' ss=get_kbrd(1) ss=strlowcase(ss) endrep until (ss eq 's' or ss eq 'r' or ss eq 'q') if(ss eq 'q') then goto,doneplot if(ss eq 'r') then begin fitf(0:nobs-1)=0 goto,plot3 endif if(ss eq 's') then begin print,'click on lower time to be flagged as bad fit' cursor,ix1,iy1,3 print,'Upper time....' cursor,ix2,iy2,3 ixmin=min([ix1,ix2]) ixmax=max([ix1,ix2]) s=where(jdz ge ixmin and jdz le ixmax,ns) if(ns gt 0) then begin jdp=jdz(s) yp=fltarr(ns)+2.5 oplot,jdp,yp,psym=2 fitf(s)=1 endif goto,choose3 endif doneplot: ;test=where(cldf NE 0, nt) ;***************** ;print, nt ;***************** ; put the flags into the database dbopen,imdbase,1 dbupdate,sox,'cldflg,astflg,fitflg',cldf,astf,fitf dbclose wdelete, 0 fini: !p.multi=[0,1,1] if (keyword_set(ps)) then begin set_plot, 'ps' device, /close set_plot, 'x' endif end