These notes are relevant for Version 6 of the Kepler Input Catalog.
General Comments
Release History
Schema for Latest Release
Schema for CATKEY Database
Schema for SCPKEY Database
Source of Astrometry
Source of KEPMAG for Stars not Observed by the SCP
All of this sounds complicated, and it certainly has been non-trivial to make it happen, but the bottom line is pretty simple:
Version Approx Date Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 01 Apr 2005 Recalibration of photographic magnitudes. 3 17 Feb 2005 Added colors, fixed bugs, added documentation. Should be version for Team in May 05 2 1 Feb 2005 Astronomer units instead of integers. Added PARLX, GLONG, GLAT fields. 1 05 Jan 2005 Fixed SPD/DEC error 0 27 Dec 2004 Dec 31 2004 release as per Requirements Document
Column DB Name Type Units Format, comments, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 RA double hours Right Ascension (HH.HHHHHHH) 2 DEC double degrees Declination (sDD.DDDDDD) 3 PMRA float arcsec/year RA proper motion(sMM.MMMM) 4 PMDEC float arcsec/year Dec proper motion (sMM.MMMM) 5 UMAG float magnitudes u-band magnitude (MM.MMM) 6 GMAG float magnitudes g-band magnitude (MM.MMM) 7 RMAG float magnitudes r-band magnitude (MM.MMM) 8 IMAG float magnitudes i-band magnitude (MM.MMM) 9 ZMAG float magnitudes z-band magnitude (MM.MMM) 10 GREDMAG float magnitudes GRed band magnitude (MM.MMM) 11 D51MAG float magnitudes D51 band magnitude (MM.MMM) 12 JMAG float magnitudes 2MASS J-band magnitude (MM.MMM) 13 HMAG float magnitudes 2MASS H-band magnitude (MM.MMM) 14 KMAG float magnitudes 2MASS K-band magnitude (MM.MMM) 15 KEPMAG float magnitudes Kepler-band magnitude (MM.MMM) 16 KICID int (none) Unique KIC catalog ID 17 TMID int (none) Unique 2MASS catalog ID 18 YBID int (none) Unique YB7 catalog ID 19 ALTID int (none) ID in other catalog (see 20) 20 ALTSOURCE int (none) Source catalog for ALTID (see 19) 21 GALAXY int (none) Star/galaxy indicator 22 BLEND int (none) Isolated/blended indicator 23 VARIABLE int (none) Constant/variable indicator 24 TEFF int degrees K Effective temperature (TTTTT) 25 LOGG float cm/sec**2 LOG10 surface gravity (sL.LLL) 26 FEH float solar LOG10 Fe/H metallicity (sL.LLL) 27 EBMINUSV float magnitudes E(B-V) reddening (sM.MMM) 28 AV float magnitudes A_V extinction (M.MMM) 29 RADIUS float solar Radius (RRR.RRR) 30 CQ string (none) Source of data - see Notes 31 PQ int (none) Photometry quality indicator 32 AQ int (none) Astrophysics quality indicator 33 CATKEY int (none) Unique integer key to CATALOG DB 34 SCPKEY int (none) Unique integer key to SCP DB 35 PARALLAX float arcsec Parallax (sP.PPPP) 36 GLON float degrees Galactic longitude (DDD.DDDDDD) 37 GLAT float degrees Galactic latitude (sDD.DDDDDD) 38 PMTOTAL float arcsec/year Total proper motion (MM.MMMM) 39 GRCOLOR float magnitudes g-r color (sM.MMM) 40 JKCOLOR float magnitudes J-K color (sM.MMM) 41 GKCOLOR float magnitudes g-K color (sM.MMM)Notes:
The TYPE field shows the suggested minimum precision for storage of the value. The string in the COMMENTS field shows the format of the entry in the ASCII version of the database files.
ALTSOURCE values: Value Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 ALTID contains NULL 1 ALTID contains Hipparcos catalog ID 2 ALTID contains Tycho2 catalog ID 3 ALTID contains UCAC2 catalog ID 4 ALTID contains General Catalog of Variable Stars ID 11 ALTID contains NED catalog ID 12 ALTID contains Extended 2MASS Catalog ID 13 ALTID contains FIRST catalog ID 14 ALTID contains NVSS catalog ID CQ values: ASCII character string indicating the source of the calibrated data. Value Meaning ------------------------------------------------------------------ NOCAL No calibration to optical magnitudes possible. Used for entries from non-optical catalogs. 2MASS Objects found only in 2MASS catalog with no optical counterpart. UNCAL Lack of SCP photometric calibrators on photographic plate prevents calibration. Values are raw photographic magnitudes in closest band. PHOTO Photographic magnitudes calibrated to Kepler bands. SCP CCD magnitudes from SCP.
PQ values:
Placeholder for SCP values that have yet to be determined. Current version is value between 0-11 which is the count of non-NULL entries in UMAG, GMAG, RMAG, IMAG, ZMAG, GREDMAG, D51MAG, JMAG, HMAG, KMAG, and KEPMAG.
AQ values:
Placeholder for SCP values that have yet to be determined. Current version is value between 0-6 which is the count of non-NULL entries in TEFF, LOGG, FEH, AV, EBMINUSV, RADIUS.
Column DB Name Type Units Format, comments, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 CATKEY int (none) Unique integer key to CATALOG DB 2 CATFLAG int (none) Bit flag from catalog merge 3 TYCHOID int (none) Original ID in Tycho-2 catalog 4 UCACID int (none) Original ID in UCAC catalog 5 GCVSID int (none) Original ID in GCVS catalog 6 SOURCE character (none) STAR, XTM, NED, NVSS, FIRST 7 SOURCEID int (none) ID in original catalog 8 FLUX1 int (variable) First flux in original catalog 9 FLUX2 int (variable) Second flux in original catalog 10 RAEPOCH float year Epoch of RA coordinate 11 DECEPOCH float year Epoch of Dec coordinate 12 JMAG float mag 2MASS J magnitude 13 HMAG float mag 2MASS H magnitude 14 KMAG float mag 2MASS K magnitudeNotes:
Column DB Name Type Units Format, comments, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 SCPKEY int (none) Unique integer key to SCP DB 2 RAZONE int degrees Derived from original file name 3 DECZONE int degrees Derived from original file name 4 ZONELINE int (none) Line number in original fileNotes:
Source of Astrometry (RA, DEC, PMRA, PMDEC, PARALLAX)
The source of the astrometric quantities depends on which catalog (or catalogs) contain data for this star. To ensure the highest accuracy and to minimize systematic errors, the hierarchy for the choice of astrometric values is as follows
The values listed in the KIC come from the first entry in this list that contains each star. The source catalog should be consulted for a detailed discussion of astrometric accuracy. The quantities listed here are global averages.
Source of KEPMAG for Stars not Observed by the SCP
Every effort was made to compute a KEPMAG for every star that has enough color information to allow even a poor transformation. The first step is the transformation from the various catalog bands to the SDSS g- and r-bands. These incorporate relatively large errors (at least several tenths of a magnitude), but are (probably) better than nothing. These tests were done, and the first that passed was used.