Registered for 9th HITRAN Conference |
Name | Affiliation | Title of Presentation |
Bobby K. ANTONY |
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Dept. Environmental, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Lowell, USA |
National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, USA |
The Experimental Investigation of the Water Vapor Discrete and Continuum Absorption in the 8- to 12-µm Region at Temperatures from 311K to 352K |
Alain BARBE |
Université de Reims, GMSA Reims, FRANCE |
1. Analysis of High-resolution Infrared CW-CRDS Spectra of Ozone in the 6000 to 6750 cm-1 Spectral Region 2. Observations of SO2 Spectra with a Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer around 1090 and 1160 cm-1. Comparison with the HITRAN Database and Updated Calculations |
D.I.Mendeleyev Metrology Institute St-Petersburg, RUSSIA |
Use of HITRAN and UVACS Databases for the Task of Precision Ambient Air Control |
D. Chris BENNER |
The College of William and Mary, Dept. of Physics Williamsburg, USA |
High Accuracy Laboratory Spectroscopy for Atmospheric Applications |
University of Waterloo, Dept. of Chemistry Waterloo, CANADA |
The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE): Status and Results |
Manfred BIRK |
DLR - Remote Sensing Technology Institute Wessling, GERMANY |
Chris BOONE |
University of Waterloo, Dept. of Chemistry Waterloo, CANADA |
Linelist Needs for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment |
Vincent BOUDON |
Université de Bourgogne, Laboratoire de Physique Dijon, FRANCE |
Global Frequency and Infrared Intensity Analysis of 12CH4 Lines in the 900 to 4800 cm-1 Region |
Linda R. BROWN |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Earth and Space Sciences Division Pasadena, USA |
Infrared Laboratory Spectroscopy of CH4 and CH3D for Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Sandra BRÜNKEN |
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Cambridge, USA |
Measurement and Analysis of High-Resolution TeraHertz Spectra of HDO and D2O |
Michel R. CARLEER |
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique Moléculaire
Bruxelles, BELGIUM |
Reinvestigation of the 16O2 Atmospheric A band by High-resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy |
Kelly CHANCE |
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Atomic and Molecular Physics Division Cambridge, USA |
Global Measurements of OClO, BrO, HCHO, and CHO-CHO from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument on EOS Aura |
Shepard A. CLOUGH |
Atmospheric Environmental Research, Inc. Lexington, USA |
Laurent H. COUDERT |
Université Paris 12, Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques Créteil, FRANCE |
The Water Molecule: Line Position and Line Intensity Analyses up to the Second Triad |
Attila G. CSASZAR |
Eotvos University, Institute of Chemistry Budapest, HUNGARY |
ASpecT: Active Spectroscopic Tables |
Ludovic DAUMONT |
Université de Reims, GMSA Reims, FRANCE |
HDO and D2O Long-path Spectroscopy: Ongoing Work of the Brussels-Reims Team | V. Malathy DEVI |
The College of William and Mary, Department of Physics Williamsburg, USA |
1. Measurements and Theoretical Calculations of Self- and Air-Broadening and Shift Coefficients in the v2 Band of CH3D 2. Spectroscopic Study of Line Mixing Effects in the v2 + v3 Band of Methane |
Hoang DOTHE |
Spectral Sciences, Inc. Burlington, USA |
Brian J. DROUIN |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, USA |
Air-broadening Ozone Linewidths in the Submillimeter Wavelengths |
Marie-Lise DUBERNET |
Observatoire de Paris, LERMA Meudon, FRANCE |
First Definition and Implementation of Standards for the Exchange of Atomic and Molecular Data |
Sophie FALLY |
Université Libre de Bruxelles Bruxelles, BELGIUM |
UV Fourier Transform Absorption Cross-sections of Benzene, Toluene, Ortho-, Meta-, and Para-xylene |
Jean-Marie FLAUD |
Université Paris 12, Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques Créteil, FRANCE |
Synergistic Use of Different Atmospheric Instruments: What about the Spectral Parameters |
Robert R. GAMACHE |
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Dept. Environmental, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Lowell, USA |
1. Temperature Dependence of N2-, O2-, and Air-broadened Half-widths of Water-Vapor Transitions: Insight from Theory and Comparison with Measurement 2. A Semi-empirical Adjustment of the Vibrational Dependence of the Polarizability of Ozone for use in Line-Shift Calculations |
Stephen T. GIBSON |
The Australian National University Canberra, AUSTRALIA |
Temperature Dependence of the O2 Schumann-Runge Continuum Photoabsorption Cross Section from a Coupled-channel Perspective |
University of Denver, Dept. of Physics Denver, USA |
Improved Line Parameters for the X(1-0) IR Quadrupolar Transitions of 14N2 |
Iouli GORDON |
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Atomic and Molecular Physics Division Cambridge, USA |
A New "Diet" for Air-broadened Half-widths of Water Vapor in the HITRAN2004 Compilation |
Kevin C. GROSS |
Air Force Institute of Technology Wright-Patterson AFB, USA |
Developing a Phenomenological Model of Infrared Emissions from Detonation Fireballs for Explosives Identification |
Hermann HARDE |
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik, Lasertechnik und Werkstoffkunde Hamburg, GERMANY |
MolExplorer: A New Tool for Computation and Display of Spectra from the HITRAN Database |
Joseph T. HODGES |
National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, USA |
High-precision Measurements of H2O Line Intensities and Broadening Coefficients using Frequency-stabilized Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy |
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire de Dynamique, Interactions et Réactivité Paris, FRANCE |
Methyl Bromide Line Parameters in the 7.5- and 10-µm Spectral Region. Acetylene Line Parameters in the 3.8-µm Spectral Region |
Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique Palaiseau, FRANCE |
Assessment of the GEISA and GEISA/IASI-03 Spectroscopic Data Quality: through Comparisons with other Public Database Archives |
Université Montpellier II, GRAAL Montpellier, FRANCE |
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Optical and Infrared Astronomy Division Cambridge, USA |
The Far Infrared Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) is Finally Observed |
Konstantin KHLOPENKOV |
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Ottawa, CANADA |
Mikel B. KISELEV |
Vavilov State Optical Institute St-Petersburg, RUSSIA |
Passage of Radiation from a Hot Gas Source through Cold Gas Environments. New Method and Calculation Complex HOTSPAK |
Robert L. KURUCZ |
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Cambridge, USA |
Walter J. LAFFERTY |
National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, USA |
The Experimental Investigation of the Water Vapor Discrete and Continuum Absorption in the 8- to 12-µm Region at Temperatures from 311K to 352K |
Karine Le BRIS |
University of Toronto, Dept. of Physics Toronto, CANADA |
Infrared Absorption Cross Section of CFC-113: Calculations and Measurements |
Xiong LIU |
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics USA |
The Effects of Different Ozone Cross Sections on GOME Ozone Profile Retrievals |
Qiancheng MA |
NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies New York, USA |
Modification of the Robert-Bonamy Formalism and Further Refinements Required |
Jianping MAO |
SSAI/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Lanham, USA |
AS&M, NASA/Langley Research Center Hampton, USA |
Spectroscopic needs for NLTE Radiative Transfer Modeling in Planetary Atmospheres |
Steven T. MASSIE |
National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, USA |
New Cross Sections, Indices of Refraction, and Reflectance Spectra of Atmospheric Interest |
Martin McHUGH |
GATS, Inc. Newport News, USA |
Free, Fast and Accurate Online Calculation of Spectral Absorption and Radiance at |
Charles MILLER |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, USA |
Line Mixing in Pure CO2 Absorption at 6348 cm-1 |
Holger S.P. MÜLLER |
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie Bonn, GERMANY |
Recent Developments in the Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy, CDMS, and the Need for further Laboratory Spectroscopic Data |
Johannes ORPHAL |
Université Paris 12, Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques Créteil, FRANCE |
Diode- and Differency-Frequency Laser Studies of Atmospheric Molecules in the Near- and Mid-infrared: H2O, NO2, and NH3 |
Vivienne PAYNE |
Atmospheric Environmental Research, Inc. Lexington, USA |
Assessment of Microwave Line Parameters for Oxygen: Comparisons between Models and Atmospheric Measurements |
University of Reading, Dept. of Meteorology Reading, UK |
Using Laboratory FT-IR Spectrometer Measurements and HITRAN to Derive the Pure Water Vapour Continuum Between 3000 cm-1 and 8000 cm-1 |
Agnès M. PERRIN |
Université Paris-12, Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques Créteil, FRANCE |
Relief is on the Way: Status of the Line Positions and Intensities for Nitric Acid |
Arnold Air Force Base/ ATA Inc. Arnold AFB, USA |
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Physics Lab. Gaithersburg, USA |
THz Studies of Water Vapor |
Air Force Research Laboratory Hanscom AFB, USA |
Université de Bourgogne, Laboratoire de Physique Dijon, FRANCE |
Analysis of the Spectrum of Ethylene in the 800 to 1500 cm-1 Region using Tensorial Formalism: Frequencies and Intensities |
Laurence S. ROTHMAN |
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Atomic and Molecular Physics Division Cambridge, USA |
The Quest for Consistency and Accuracy of Spectroscopic Parameters in HITRAN: Bridge between Archive and Application |
Ontar Corporation North Andover, USA |
Bhaswar SEN |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, USA |
CO2 Spectroscopy Evaluation using FTS Spectra |
Atmospheric Environmental Research, Inc. Lexington, USA |
Implications for v2 and v3 CO2 Line Parameters from Atmospheric Remote Sensing |
Mary Ann H. SMITH |
NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, USA |
Spectroscopic Parameter Requirements for Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Planets |
David G.S. SNYDER |
Wayne State College, Dept. of Physical Sciences/Mathematics Wayne, USA |
Glenn STARK |
Wellesley College, Physics Dept. Wellesley, USA |
High-resolution Photoabsorption Cross-section Measurements of Sulfur Dioxide between 198 nm and 325 nm |
Jonathan TENNYSON |
University College London, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy London, UK |
1. Analysis of the Accuracy of Line Positions and Intensities of HDO Transitions in HITRAN 2004 2. Water Line Parameters from Refitted Spectra Using a New Fitting Technique 3. A Comprehensive Database for Water Spectra |
Richard TIPPING |
University of Alabama, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy Tuscaloosa, USA |
Theoretical Studies of the Wet Continuum in the TeraHertz Windows |
Robert A. Toth |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Earth and Space Sciences Division Pasadena, USA |
Line Strengths and Self-broadening Coefficients of CO2 from 4600 to 7000 cm-1 |
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Chimie Quantique et Photophysique Brussels, BELGIUM |
Absolute Line Intensities in the v2 Band, and Ground-state Electric Dipole Moment, of HOBr |
Tomsk State University Tomsk, RUSSIA |
The Calculation Software of Emissivity and Transmission for Gas Volume with Different Spatial Distributions of Concentration and Temperature |
Georg WAGNER |
DLR - Remote Sensing Technology Institute Wessling, GERMANY |
Water Pressure Broadening: A Never-ending Story |
Alfons WEBER |
National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, USA |
Li-Hong XU |
Univ. of New Brunswick, Physical Science Dept. Saint John, CANADA |
High-resolution Assignment of the v14 and v16 Bands in the 10-µm Region for Trans-Acrolein |
Nikolay F. ZOBOV |
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences Nizhny Novgorod, RUSSIA |
Labeling of H216O, H217O and H218O Synthetic Line Lists in the 0 to 26000 cm-1 Range |