ROSIE-IFU is an image-slicing IFU module for the IMACS spectrograph. Using the f/2 camera, the unit provides 42 (0.6 x 52 arcsec) slices covering a 26 x 52 arcsec field of view. The unit hasn't been tried yet at f/4, but with the f/4 camera the IFU should provide higher wavelength resolutions using 30 slices with gaps that can be interpolated by taking data at two positions. With either camera the wavelength coverage must be limited to a dispersed length equivalent to 6 arcmin using a 50 mm filter placed in front of the IFU. ROSIE-IFU will be offered for use on a shared-risk basis in 2025A, in collaboration with instrument PI Steve Shectman. Interested observers should contact him at for further details before submitting a proposal.