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Last modified on 16-Feb.-2007

Programs 2005-2006

  • Monday, May 8, 2006: General Discussion and brief report from Christine Forman-Jones on the progess of the CfA Gender Equity Study.

  • Monday, June 5, 2006: Discussion led by Saku Vrtilek on the book by Virginia Valian, 'Why So Slow?'. There is a web site with a synopsis of the book. Also, Valian leads a Gender Equity Study Program at Hunter College with some interesting materials. Another reference discussed at this meeting was the recent article in 'Science' summarizing the new faculty numbers at MIT tabulated by Nancy Hopkins. See 'Women Science Faculty' in Volume 312, No. 5772, 21 April 2006, p. 347 (Reported by Saku Vrtilek).

  • Monday, July 10, 2006, Pratt, 12:30 pm: Kelly Korreck will lead a discussion of websites, ideas, and tips about things that can help in a career path. To start, Kelly has compiled a list of Good Links. Saku Vrtilek will continue with discussion from last time, for our reprise and second thoughts on Virginia Valien's book: 'Why so Slow?'

  • Monday, August 7, 2006, Pratt, 12:30 pm: Sukanya Chakrabarti, Karen Masters, and Cara Rakowski will lead a discussion: 'What I Wish I Knew Before Graduate School.' Women undergraduates and REU students at CfA for the summer are especially invited to come. Suggestions for Grad School Applicants resulting from that discussion and good links are summarized.

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