An Infrared Einstein Ring in the Gravitational Lens PG1115+080, C. Impey, E. Falco, C. Kochanek, J. Lehár, B. McLeod, H.-W. Rix, C. Peng, C. Keeton, Postscript | astro-ph/9803207 | 1998, ApJ, 509, 551-560
The Infrared Einstein Ring in the Gravitational Lens MG1131+0456 and the Death of the Dusty Lens Hypothesis, C. S. Kochanek, E. E. Falco, C. D. Impey, J. Lehár, B. A. McLeod, H.-W. Rix, C. R. Keeton, J. A. Muñoz, & C. Y. Peng. Postscript with color figures | Postscript with bw figures | astro-ph/9809371 | 2000, ApJ, 535,692-705
Results from the CASTLES Survey of Gravitational Lenses, C. S. Kochanek, E. E. Falco, C. D. Impey, J. Lehár, B. A. McLeod, & H.-W. Rix, in 9th Annual October Maryland Astrophysics Conference: After the Dark Ages: When Galaxies Were Young (the Universe at 2 < z < 5). Postscript | astro-ph/9811111
Dust and Extinction Curves in Galaxies with z>0: The Interstellar Medium of Gravitational Lens Galaxies, E. E. Falco, C. D. Impey, C. S. Kochanek, J. Lehár, B. A. McLeod, H.-W. Rix, C. R. Keeton, J. A. Muñoz, & C. Y. Peng. Postscript | astro-ph/9901037 | 1999, ApJ, 523, 617
The CASTLES Project, J. A. Muñoz, E. E. Falco, C. S. Kochanek, J. Lehár, B. A. McLeod, C. D. Impey, H.-W. Rix, & C. Y. Peng, 1999 accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science, special issue: Proceedings of the III Scientific Meeting of the SEA (Spanish Astronomical Society),guest editors: J. Gorgas & J. Zamorano. Postscript | astro-ph/9902131
The Quasar Pair Q 1634+267 A, B and the Binary QSO vs. Dark Lens Hypotheses, C. Y. Peng, C. D. Impey, E. E. Falco, C. S. Kochanek, J. Lehár, B. A. McLeod, H.-W. Rix, C. R. Keeton & J. A. Muñoz. astro-ph/9904426 | 1999, ApJ, 524, 572-581
The Fundamental Plane of Gravitational Lens Galaxies and the Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Low Density Environments, C. S. Kochanek, E. E. Falco, C. D. Impey, J. Lehár, B. A. McLeod, H.-W. Rix, C. R. Keeton, J. A. Muñoz & C. Y. Peng. astro-ph/9909018 | 1999, ApJ, submitted
HST Observations of 10 Two-Image Gravitational Lenses, J. Lehár, E. E. Falco, C. S. Kochanek, B. A. McLeod, J. A. Muñoz, C. D. Impey, H.-W. Rix, C. R. Keeton & C. Y. Peng. astro-ph/9909072 | 2000, ApJ, 536,584-605
A New Wide-Separation Gravitational Lens Candidate: RXJ 0921+4529, J. A. Muñoz, E. E. Falco, C. S. Kochanek, B. A. McLeod, J. Lehár, B. R. McNamara, A. A. Vikhlinin, C. D. Impey, C. R. Keeton, C. Y. Peng & H.-W. Rix, in Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals (ASP), ed. T. Brainerd & C. S. Kochanek. astro-ph/9909338
The CASTLES Gravitational Lensing Tool, E. E. Falco, C. S. Kochanek, J. Lehár, B. A. McLeod, J. A. Muñoz, C. D. Impey, C. R. Keeton, C. Y. Peng & H.-W. Rix, in Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals (ASP), ed. T. Brainerd & C. S. Kochanek. astro-ph/9910025
The Interstellar Medium of Lens Galaxies, B. A. McLeod, E. E. Falco, C. S. Kochanek, J. Lehár, J. A. Muñoz, C. D. Impey, C. R. Keeton, C. Y. Peng & H.-W. Rix, in Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals (ASP), ed. T. Brainerd & C. S. Kochanek. astro-ph/9910065
The Evolution of Gravitational Lens Galaxies, C. S. Kochanek, E. E. Falco, C. D. Impey, J. Lehár, B. A. McLeod, H.-W. Rix, C. R. Keeton, J. A. Muñoz & C. Y. Peng, in Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals (ASP), ed. T. Brainerd & C. S. Kochanek. astro-ph/9910165
Host Galaxies of Lensed Luminous Quasars at z~2, H.-W. Rix, E. E. Falco, C. D. Impey, C. S. Kochanek, J. Lehár, B. A. McLeod, J. A. Muñoz, & C. Y. Peng, in Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals (ASP), ed. T. Brainerd & C. S. Kochanek. astro-ph/9910190
The Host Galaxy of the Lensed Quasar Q 0957+561, C. R. Keeton, E. E. Falco, C. D. Impey, C. S. Kochanek, J. Lehár, B. A. McLeod, H.-W. Rix, J. A. Muñoz, & C. Y. Peng. Postscript with all figures | astro-ph/0001500 | 2000, ApJ, submitted