AMP: Molecular Clouds

A complex array of molecules has been discovered in the interstellar medium of the Milky Way and of external galaxies which play a crucial role in controlling the growth and destruction of molecular clouds and the formation of stars. They provide a unique diagnostic prob e of the interstellar environment. We are involved in the identification and theoretical calculations of the atomic and molecular processes that determine the chemical compostion and the thermal and ionization balance and that bring clouds to a state in which gravitational collapse occurs (R.V. Krems, M.J. Jamieson and A. Dalgarno,The 1D-3P Transitions in Atomic Oxygen Induced by Impact with Atomic Hydrogen, ApJ 647, 1531, 2006; Abrahamsson,R.V. Krems and A. Dalgarno, Fine Structure Excitation of OI and CII by impact with atomic Hydrogen ApJ 664, 1171, 2007).


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A. Dalgarno



A. Dalgarno and collaborators


Brightness distribution of the charge-exchange X-ray emission induced by the solar wind, interacting with the interstellar neutral gas.


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