Animation of Orbit for 16CygB
The following animation is a simulation of the gravitational wobble
induced by a planet (green sphere) on the star (yellow sphere) it orbits.
Note that:
- The radius of both the star and the planet are exagerated by a factor
50, when compared to the radius of the orbit, but the ratio of two radii
is approx correct (i.e., set to R{Jup}/R{Sun}).
- The wobble of the star is also exagerated, by a factor 20.
- The viewing inclination angle is arbitray and corresping to sin
i = 0.3
- The other orbital parameters, as deduced by the fit to the observed
radial velocity curve are taken into account.
- Both orbits follow Kepler's Laws, including the second law:
equal areas are swept in equal time.
Sylvain G. Korzennik
Last modified: Mon Jun 2 20:25:45 1997