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The E-GOODS-N (HDF-N) field was observed in three epochs with approximate dates shown below.  Click on the channels for coverage maps in FITS format.  (These files are 2.5 Mb each at 3 arcsec resolution; You probably want to right click and save the files on your local machine.) For a ds9 region file showing the approximate coverage, click here.

Epoch 1 = 2010-05 Epoch 2 = 2011-02 Epoch 3 = 2011-05 Total
ch1 = 3.6 μm ch1 = 3.6 μm ch1 = 3.6 μm ch1 = 3.6 μm
ch2 = 4.5 μm ch2 = 4.5 μm ch2 = 4.5 μm ch1 = 4.5 μm

The following plot shows the 3.6 micron SEDS coverage of the E-GOODS-N field, with the red rectangle indicating the HST (CANDELS Wide-field) coverage.

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Page last updated 2012-02-01

For questions about the SEDS page, please call or email Dr. Zhong Wang at (617)496-7632.