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The COSMOS/UltraVista field was observed in three epochs with approximate dates shown below.  Click on the channels for coverage maps in FITS format.  (These files are at full resolution so they are large; You probably want to right click and save the files on your local machine.) For a ds9 region file showing the approximate coverage, click here.

Epoch 1 = 2010-01 Epoch 2 = 2010-06 Epoch 3 = 2011-01 Total
ch1 = 3.6 μm ch1 = 3.6 μm ch1 = 3.6 μm ch1 = 3.6 μm
ch2 = 4.5 μm ch2 = 4.5 μm ch2 = 4.5 μm ch1 = 4.5 μm

The following plot shows the 3.6 micron SEDS coverage of the COSMOS field, with the red rectangle indicating the HST (CANDELS Wide-field) coverage.

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Page last updated 2012-02-01

For questions about the SEDS page, please call or email Dr. Zhong Wang at (617)496-7632.