Acronym | Solution |
11HUGS | 11 Mpc Halpha and Ultraviolet Galaxy Survey (Yowza. We have a winner!) | |
2D-FRUTTI | 2-D Photon Counting System (I swear, I didn't make this up. It was on CTIO as best I can tell. Manual here) |
2MASS | Two Micron All-Sky Survey |
25BEARS | ??? It's on ASTE. I need specifics |
5MUSES | 5 Mjy Unbiased Spitzer Extragalactic Survey (in Acronym mode, their 5 mJy survey seems less impressive in it's senstivity) |
ABRACADABRA | A Broadband/Resonant Approach to Cosmic Axion Detection with an Amplifying B-field Ring Apparatus (sounds like magic to me) |
ACBAR | Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver ("It's a photon trap!") |
ACE | Advanced Composition Explorer |
ADIoS | Aste Dense gas Imaging Of Spiral galaxies (an AMFA: Acronym Made From Acronyms) |
ADONIS | Adaptive Optics Near-Infrared System |
AESOP | An Extensive Symbolic Optics Package |
AGAPE | Andromeda Galaxy and Amplified Pixel Experiment |
AGHAST | A Grism H-Alpha SpecTroscopic survey (seems like only yesterday I was agape) |
AIM | Astrometric Interferometry Mission |
AIPS | Astronomical Image Processing System |
ALEXIS | Array of Low Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors |
ALFA | Adaptive optics with Lasers For Astronomy |
ALFA | Arecibo L-band Feed Array |
ALFAFA | Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey (technically you have Arecibo in there twice) |
ALHAMBRA | Advanced LArge, Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical survey |
ALPO | Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers |
AMANDA | Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array |
AMASE | Astrophysics Multispectral Archive Search Engine |
AMBER | Astronomical MultiBEam Recombiner |
ANCHORS | AN archive of CHandra Observations of Regions of Star formation (Woweee. That's terrible) |
ANDICAM | A Novel Dual Imaging CAMera |
ANDREAS | Advanced Name Designer REgarding Astronomical Systems (Bryan Gaensler's astro-acro informant) |
ANIS | All Neutrino Interaction Simulation (LOL!) |
ANTARES | Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch (whatever that means) |
APHID | Atmospheric PHase Inference Device |
APOGEE | APO Galaxy Evolution Experiment (AMFA!) |
APT | Asia Pacific Telescope |
ARCADE | Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Diffuse Emission |
ARCSEC | Association of Roman Catholics for the promotion
of Space Exploration and Colonization |
ARIES | Arizona Infrared Imager and Echelle Spectrograph |
ARISE | Advanced Radio Interferometry between Space and Earth |
ARISTOTELES | Applications and Research Involving Space Technologies Observing the Earth's field from Low Earth orbiting Satellite |
ARMPIT | ASKAP Rotation Measure and Polarisation InvestigaTion (an AMFA: ASKAP=Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder) |
ARTEMIS | Advanced Relay TEchnology MISsion |
ASTER | Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emmision and Reflection |
AST/RO | Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory |
ATLAS | Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science |
AURA | Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy |
AVIRIS | Airborne Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer |
AVOCADO | A Virtual Observatory Census to Address Dwarfs Origins (from a short podium I imagine) |
AzTEC | The AZtronomical Thermal Emission Camera (that's cheating) |
BACODINE | BATSE COordinate DIstribution NEtwork (BATSE=Burst And Transient Source Experiment) |
BAD | Balmer-Absorption-Dominated (Nuclei) |
BAM | Balloon-bourne Anisotropy Measurement |
BaR-SPOrt | BAlloon-bourne Radiometers for Sky Polarisation ObseRvaTions (honestly) |
BATMAN | Bad-Ass Transit Model cAlculatioN (someone knows the game) |
BEER | BEaming, Ellipsoidal & Reflection effects (mmmm, BERE) |
BICEP | Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization (feel the burn)
BIGASS | Bright Infrared Galaxy All Sky Survey (J. Howell is still a winner in my book!) |
BIGRAT | BIcentennial Gamma RAy Telescope |
BiSON | Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network |
BLAST | Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Sub-millimeter Telescope |
BLISS | Background-Limited Infrared-Submillimeter Spectrograph |
BLOSM | Broad band and Large area x-ray Omni Sky Monitor |
BOOJUMS | Blue Objects Observed Just Undergoing Moderate Starbursts (`Boojums' is from Lewis Carrolls poem ``The Hunting of the Snark'') |
BOOMERanG | Balloon Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics |
BRITE | BRIght Target Explorer (creating an acronym just to mis-spell the word bright?) |
CAFE | CAssegrain Fiber Environment |
CANDELS | Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey |
CANGAROO | Collaboration between Australian and Nippon for a Gamma Ray Observatory in the Outback (krazy!) |
CARA | Centre for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica |
CARMA | Combined Array for Research in Millimetre-wave Astronomy |
CASA-BLANCA | Chicago Air Shower Array - Broad LAteral Non-imaging Cerenkov Array |
CASIMIR | CAltech Submillimeter Interstellar Medium Investigations Receiver |
CASPIR | Cryogenic Array SPectrometer ImageR |
CASTLES | Cfa/Arizona Space Telescope LEns Survey |
CAT | Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope |
ChAOS | Chicago Adaptive Optics System |
CHARA | Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy |
CHASE | Coronal Helium Abundance Spacelab Experiment |
CHIPS | Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer |
CIAO | Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations |
CIRPASS | Cambridge InfraRed PAnoramic Survey Spectrograph |
CIRRIS | Cryogenic InfraRed Radiance Instrument for Shuttle |
CIRSI | Cambridge InfraRed Survey Instrument (as in Cerse, the daughter of sun god Helius) |
CISCO | Cooled Infrared Spectrograph and Camera for OHS |
COAST | Cambridge Optical Aperature Synthesis Telescope |
COAST | Cambridge Optical Aperature Synthesis Telescope |
CLOUD | Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets (huh?) |
COBRA | Cadmium-zinc-telluride O-neutrino double-Beta Research Apparatus (The "O" is for "Zero" 0f c0urse) |
COBRAS/SAMBA | COsmic Background Radiation Anisotropy Satellite/SAtellite to Measure Background Anisotropies |
COCOA-PUFS | COordinated Campaign of Observations and Analysis,
Photosphere to Upper atmosphere, of a Fast-rotating Star (I'm coo coo for a ridiculous acronym!) |
COHSI | Cambridge OH Suppresion Instrument |
COINS | CSOs Observed In Northern Sky |
COMPLETE | COodinated Molecular Probe Line Extinction Thermal Emissio (survey) |
COMPLEX | COMmittee on Planetary and Lunar spave EXploration |
CORNEA | Corrective Optics R? N? Emmending Atmosphere (would you believe on IRIS ?) |
COSMOS | CoOrdinates, Sizes, Magnitudes, Orientations, and Shapes |
COSTAR | Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement |
COLA | Compact Objects in Low power Agns |
COME ON+ | ? (Adaptive Optics on ESO 3.6 m Telescope) |
COMPASS | COsmic Microwave Polarization At Small Scales |
CONICA | COude Near Infrared CamerA |
COW | Committee Of the Wise (scheduling committee for WET) |
COYOTES | Coordinated Observations of Young ObjecTs from Earthbound Sites |
CREAM | Cosmic Radiation Effects and Activatiom Monitor |
CUBIC | Cosmic Unresolved Background Instrument using CCD's |
DAISY | Data Acquisition and Interpretation System |
DASI | Degree Angular Scale Interferometer/td> |
DAZLE | Dark Ages Z (redshift) Lyman-alpha Explorer |
DEBRA | Diffuse Extragalactic Background RAdiation |
DEBRIS | Disc Emission via a Bias-free Reconnaissance in the Infrared/Sub-millimetre (not bad...) |
DEEP | Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe |
DEERS | Deeply Embedded Energetic Radio Sources |
DEIMOS | Deep Extragalactic Imaging Multi Object Spectrograph |
DENIS | DEep Near Infrared Survey of the Southern Sky |
DIGIT | Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time (everything in time...) |
DIMES | DIffuse Microwave Emission Survey |
DIRT | Dust InfraRed Toolbox |
DIVA | Deutsches Interferometer fuer Vielkanalphotometry und Astrometrie |
DIXI | Deep Impact eXtended Investigation |
DONUT | Direct Observation of NU Tau |
DRAGN | Double Radio sources Associated with Galactic Nuclei |
DUO | Disk Unseen Objects |
DUNES | DUst disks around NEarby Stars |
DUPLEX | DUst-Prominent Longitudinally-EXtended |
EGG | Evaporating Gaseous Globule |
EGRET | Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope |
EIDERS | Externally Ionized Disks in the Environs of Radiation Sources |
ELFS | Extremely Luminous Far-infrared Sources |
EPOCh | Extrasolar Planet Observations and Characterization (see below for evolution) |
EPOXI | The result of merging the EPOCh and DIXI missions (an AMFAMFA, Acronym Made From AMFAs) |
EROS | Expérience de Recherche d'Objects Sombres |
ESP | ESO Slice Project (an AMFA) |
ETC | Explosive Transient Camera |
EURECA | EUropean REtrievable CArrier |
FAME | Fizeau Astrometric Mapping Explorer |
FaNTOmM | Fabry-perot of New Technology for the Observatoire du mont Megantic (wow... just wow) |
FAST | Fast Auroral SnapshoT explorer |
FASTSOUND | Fmos Ankoku Shindou Tansa Subaru Observation Understanding Nature of Dark energy (A multilanguage AMFA. FMOS is 'Fiber Multi-Object Spectrograph' and Ankoku Shindou Tansa is Japanese for 'Dark Oscillation Survey' |
FATBOY | The Florida Analysis Tool Born of Yearning for high-quality scientific data (this may be the worse... or best yet) |
FAUST | FAr-Ultraviolet Space Telescope |
FIBRE | Fabry-perot Interferometer Bolometer Research Experiment |
FIDEL | Far Infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy |
FIFI | Far Infrared Fabry-perot Interferometer |
FIGARO | French Italian GAmma Ray Observatory |
FILM | Far Infrared Line Mapper |
FIREFLY | Fitting IteRativEly For Likelihood analYsis (I admire the commitment to the cause!) |
FIRST | Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters |
FITS | Flexible Image Transport System |
FLAIR | Fibre Linked Array Image Reformatter |
FLAMINGOS | FLoridA Multi-object Imaging Near-infrared Grism Observational Spectrometer (eek) |
FLIERS | Fast, Low-Ionization Emission RegionS |
FLITECAM | First Light Infrared Test Experiment CAMera (it's on SOFIA, so it really is a flying camera. Good work!) |
FORCAST | Faint Object infraRed CAmera for the SOFIA Telescope (Also an AMFA; Thanks to Luke Keller) |
FORT | Foyer Optimise pour le RadioTelescope (FORT="strong" in French) |
FOXES | Fluctuating Optical and X-ray Emitting Sources |
FRED | Fast RisE, rapid Decay (pulse structure in pulsars) |
FROG | Faint Red Outlier Galaxy |
FUC | Far Ultraviolet Camera |
FUCR | Far Ultra-Chromatic Rocket (thanks to Will Marchant) |
FUSE | Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer |
GAIA | Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics |
GADZOOKS! | Gadolinium Antineutrino Detector Zealously Outperforming Old Kamiokande, Super! (PI insists on the exclaimation point! Awesome!) |
GALAPAGOS | Galaxy Analysis over Large Areas: Parameter Assessment by Galfitting Objects from Sextractor (took some work!) |
GANDALF | Gas AND Absorption Line Fitting algorithm (pushed all the right nerd buttons) |
GASP | Gamma-rays At the South Pole |
GASP | Guide star selection system Astrometric Support Package |
GASPS | GAS in Protoplanetary Systems |
GEMS | Glasses Embedded Metals and Sulfides |
GIMP | Geo-magnetically induced Image Motion Problem (on HST) |
GISMO | Goddard-Iram Superconducting 2-Millimeter Observer (the '2' is silent. I guess GITMO was inappropriate)) |
GENIUS | GErmanium liquid NItrogen Underground Setup |
GIPSY | Groningen Image Processing SYstem |
GLIMPSE | GLobal IMPlicit SEarch |
GLIMPSE | Galactic Legacy Infrared MidPlane Survey Extraordinaire |
GOALS | Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (another AMFA!) |
GOBELINS | GOuld's BELt dIstaNces Survey (work it!) |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites |
GOD | Gravity One Dimension (The paper was entitled `The likelihood of GODs' existence'...) |
GONG | Global Oscillations Network Group |
GOODS | Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey |
GNAT | Global Network of Astronomical Telescopes |
GRAPE | GRAvity PipE |
GRAPES | GRism Acs Program for Extragalactic Science |
GRASP | Gamma-Ray Astronomy with Spectroscopy and Positioning |
GREAT | German REceiver for Astronomy at Terahetz frequencies (it'd better be good!) |
GUPPI | Green bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument (like PUPPI) |
HARP | Hermite AcceleratoR Pipe |
HAWAII | HgCdTe Astronomical Wide Area Infrared Imager |
HEAD | High Energy Astrophysics Division |
HEAT | High-Energy Antimatter Telescope |
HELLAS | High-Energy Large Area Survey (I don't know where the extra L came from, but I think Hellas is the ancient name for Greece.) |
HERB | High Energy Resolution Burst |
HERITAGE | HERschel Inventory of The Agents of Galaxy Evolution (agents?) |
HERMES | HERschel M33 Extended Survey |
HEROES | HERschel Observations Edge-on Spirals |
HIFI | Hawaii Imaging Fabry-perot Interferometer |
HIPPARCOS | HIgh Precision PARallax COllecting Satellite (I genuinely did not know this was an acronym until readers pointed out I missed it :P) |
HIPPIES | Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey |
HIS/HERS | High Intensity Spectrograph / High Energy Range Spectrometer |
HO-BAGS | Hubble Observatory BAckground Galaxy Survey |
HOEs | Holographic Optical Elements |
H0LiCOW | H0 Lenses in COSMOGRAIL’s Wellspring (A subscript as an acronyn, AND an AMFA! Great on so many levels) |
HOPS | Herschel Orion Protostar Survey |
Hot DOGs | Hot Dust-Obscured Galaxies |
IDEA | Initiative to Develop Education through Astronomy |
INTEGRAL | INTErnational Gamma Ray Astrophysics Laboratory |
IOTA | Infrared and Optical Telescope Array |
IRAC | InfraRed Array Camera |
IRIS | Infra Red Imager Spectrograph |
JACARA | Joint Australian Centre for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica |
JADES | JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (an AMFA!) |
JAGUAR | JAdes extraGalactic Ultradeep Artificial Realizations (an AMFAMFA!) |
JAVELIN | Just Another Vehicle for Estimating Lags In Nuclei (formerly known as SPEAR, see below) |
JIVE | Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe |
KARMEN | Karlsruhe Appleton Rutherford Medium Neutrino Experiment |
KASCADE | KArlsruhe Shower Core and Array DEtector |
KINGFISH | Key Insights on Nearby Galaxies: a Far-Infrared Survey with Herschel |
KISS | KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey |
KNAC | Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium |
KOSMA | Kölner Observatorium für Submillimeter Astronomie |
LACE | Low power Atmospheric Compensation Experiment |
LALA | Large Area Lyman Alpha survey |
LAMOST | Large sky Area Mulit Object fiber Spectrscopic Telescope |
LAMP | Lick AGN Monitoring Project (AMFA) |
LEST | Large Earth-based Solar Telescope |
LIGHT | Light Interferometer satellite for the studies of Galactic Halo Tracers |
LINERS | Low Ionization Nuclear Emission-line Regions |
LIRIS | Long slit Intermediate Resolution Intrared Spectrograph |
LISA | Laser Interfeter Space Antenna |
LUCIFER | LBT near infrared spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research (apparently most of that is silent, and and AMFA) |
MACAO | Multi-Application Curvature Adaptive Optics |
MACHO | MAssive Compact Halo Objects |
MACRO | Monopoles, Astrophysics, and Cosmic Ray Observatory |
MAGES | MIPS AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (a double AMFA!) |
MAGNUM | Multicolor Active Galactic Nuclei Monitoring project |
MAMA | Multi-Anode Microchannel Array |
MAMBO | MAx-planck-Millimeter-BOlometer |
MANGA | MApping Nearby Galaxies at Apache point observatory |
MAP | Microwave Anisotropy Probe |
MAPS | Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner |
MARTINI | Multi-Aperture Real Time Image NormalIzation system |
MASCARA | Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA |
MASSIF | Masses and Stellar Systems with InterFerometry |
MAX | Millimeter wave Anisotropy eXperiment |
MAXIMA | Millimeter wave Anisotropy eXperiment IMaging Array |
MBONE | Multicast BackbONE |
MERLIN | Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network |
MESSENGER | MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging (I geniunely didn't realize this was an acronym!) |
MIAOW | Minimum Inertia Adaptive Optics Widget |
MICE | Muons in ICE |
MICHELLE | Mid-Infrared eCHELLE spectrograph |
MIDAS | Munich Image Data Analysis System |
MIDGet | Millimeter Interferometry of Dwarf Galaxies (adding letters to be offensive?, especially when they prefer to be called "little galaxies") |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions |
MIRA | Mitaka optical and Infra-Red interferometer Array |
MIRAC | Mid InfraRed Array Camera |
MIRACLE | Mid-InfraRed Array Camera of Least Effort |
MIRIAD | Multichannel Image Reconstruction, Image Analysis and Display |
MIRLIN | Mid-InfraRed Large Imager (the 'N' doesn't stand for anything!) |
MOMI | Manchester Occulting Mask Imager |
MONICA | MONtreal Infrared CAmera |
MOSAIC | MDM/Ohio State/ALADDIN Infrared Camera (really!) |
MOST | Microvariability and Oscillations of STars |
MOST | Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope |
MUNICS | MUnich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (awesome) |
MUSE | Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer |
MUSICOS | MUlit-SIte COordinated Spectroscopy |
NANOGRAV | North American Nanohertz Observatory for GRAVitational waves |
NEAT | Near Earth Asteriod Tracking (telescope) |
NHEMESES | New HErshel Multi-wavelength Extragalactic Survey of Edge-on Spirals |
NIRI | Near InfraRed Imager |
NITE | Near-Infrared Telescope Experiment |
NOT | Nordic Optical Telescope |
OASIS | Optically Adaptive System for Imaging Spectroscopy |
OGLE | Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment |
OHANA | Optical Hawaiian Array for Nanoradian Astronomy (A plan to join Mauna Kea optical observatories into one interferometer. Ohana is Hawaiian for 'family'. OK, this one is good.) |
OPAL | Orbiting Picosat Automatic Launcher |
OPUS | Observations support/post-observation data Processing Unified System (good god!) |
ORFEUS | Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer |
OSCAR | Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio |
OSCIR | Observatory Spectrometer Camera for the InfraRed |
OSIRIS | Optical Space Interferometer: Russian Instrument for Stellar astronomy |
OSIRIS-REx | Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (I would have worked harder to make TYRANNOSIRIS-REx) |
OWL | Overwhelmingly Large Telescope (so big, it's ridiculous) |
PAPER | Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization |
PEARS | Probing Evolution And Reionization Spectroscopically |
PEPSI | Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument (their logo is gloriously close to copyright infringement; |
PHaEDRA | Preserving Harvard's Early Data and Research in Astronomy |
PHEBUS | Payload for High Energy BUrst Spectroscopy |
PIG | Partially Ionized Globule |
PINOCCHIO | PINpointing Orbit-Crossing Collapsed HIerarchial Objects (Egad!) |
PINTofALE | Package for the INTeractive Analysis of Line Emission (E for Effort, but this is PINTAofLE) |
PIQUE | Princeton IQU Experiment |
PIT | Phase 1 Tool (for Gemini, replacing POOPSY) |
PLANET | Probing Lensing Anomalies NETwork |
POEM | Polar Orbiting Earth Mission |
POINTS | Precision Optical INTerferometer in Space |
POLAR | Polarization Observations of Large Angular Regions (what's an angular region?) |
POLARBEAR | POLARization of the Background millimEter bAckground Radiation (very weak) |
POOPSY | Phase One Observing Proposal SYstem |
POST | POlar Stratosperic Telescope |
PRESTO | Project to Re-Engineer Space Telescope Observing |
PROSAC | PROtostellar Submillimetre Array Campaign (a pretty hard campaign) |
PUPPI | Puerto rican Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument (like GUPPI) |
QUEST | Q and U Extra-galactic Sub-mm Telescope |
QUIJOTE | Q-U-I JOint TEnerife (30 GHz Polarimeter) |
QUIRC | QUick InfRared Camera |
RASSCALS | ROSAT All-Sky Survey-Center for Astrophysics Loose Systems (yet another AMFA) |
RATTS | Run Away T-Tauri Stars |
RAVE | the RAdial Velocity Experiment |
RESCEU | RESearch Center for the Early Universe |
RICE | Radio Ice Cerenkov Experiment |
SAFARI | SpicA FAR-infrared Instrument (an AMFA!) |
SAGA | Solar Array Gain Augmentation |
SAGE | Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (overly forced!) |
SAGES | Study of the Astrophysics of Globular clusters in Extragalactic Systems |
SARA | Satellite pour Astronomie Radio Amateur |
SASS | Standard Analysis Software System |
SASS | Spitzer Atlas of Stellar Spectra |
SAX | Satellite per Astronomia X (its Italian) |
SAURON | Spectroscopic Areal Unit for Research on Optical Nebulae (mmmm, nerdy) |
SCAR | Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research |
SCORE | SIRTF-CORnell Echelle |
SCUBA | Submillimeter Common-User Bolometer Array |
SEQUOIA | SEcond QUabbin Optical Imaging Array |
SERENDIP | Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emissions from Nearby Developed Intelligent Populations |
SERTS | Solar EUV Rocket Telescope Spectrograph |
SERVS | Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey |
SGARFACE | Short GAmma Ray Front AirCerenkov Experiment (Sweet misspelled goodness) |
SHARC | Submillimeter High Angular Resolution Camera (eats SCUBA alive they claim) |
SHARE | Space station Heat pipe Advanved Radiator Element |
SHARP | System for High-Angular-Resolution Pictures |
SHEEP | Search for the High Energy Extragalactic Population |
SHIT | Super Huge Interferometric Telescope (look for yourself) |
SiEGMuND | Simulation of Events with Geant for Muon and Neutrino Detectors |
SIGMA | Systeme d'Imagerie Gamma a Masque Aleatoire |
SIMBAD | Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data |
SIMPLE | Spitzer IRAC/MUSYC Public Legacy survey in the Extended chandra deep field south (Wow, SIMPLSECDFS?) |
SINFONI | the SINgle Faint Object Near-infrared Investigation |
SINGS | SIRTF Infrared Nearby Galaxy Survey (an AMFA) |
SIMPLE | Superheated Instrument for Massive ParticLe Experiments |
SLAP | Space Link Access Protocol |
SMAC | Streaming Motions of Abel Clusters |
SMIRFS | Sub Millimeter InfraRed Fiber-feed System (or something) |
SMOG | Spitzer Mapping of the Outer Galaxy |
SMUDGES | Systematic Multiwavelength Unbiased catalog of Dwarf Galaxies and Evolution of Structure (clever and appropriate) |
SNAP | SuperNova Acceleration Probe |
SOAR | Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research |
SOFIA | Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy |
SODA | Small Objects DAtabase |
SOHO | SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory |
SOLE | Star-Obvious Low-level-Elongated |
SOLSTICE | SOLar STellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment |
SONG | Stellar Oscillations Network Group |
SONG | Survey Of Nearby Galaxies |
SOONSPOT | Solar Observing Optical Network / Solar Patrol On Tape |
SOUP | Solar Optical Universal Polarimeter |
SPAN | Space Physics and Analysis Network |
SPARTAN | Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for AstroNomy |
SPASE | South Pole Air ShowEr array |
SPAS | SPace VLBI Assistance Software |
SPEAR | Stochastic Process Estimation for Agn Reverberations (now upgraded to JAVELIN, see above) |
SPECULOOS | Search for habitable Planets Eclipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars (after the cookies from Belgium) |
SPHERE | Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch instrument |
SPICA | SPace Infra-red telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics |
SPICE | Spectro-Photometric Infrared Celestrial Explorer |
SPIDERS | SPectroscopic IDentification of ERosita Sources |
SPIFFI | SPectrometer for Infrared Faint Field Imaging |
SPIFI | South Pole Imaging Fabry-perot Interferometer |
SPIRAL | Surface Photometry Interactive Reduction and Analysis Library |
SPIRAL | Segmented Pupil/ Imaging Array Lenses |
SPIRE | Spectral and Photometric Imaging REceiver for herschel |
SPLOT | Snapshot survey for Polarised Light in Optical Transients |
SPOrt | Sky Polarization Observatory (why not ObseRvaTory?) |
SPOT | Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre |
SPUDS | Spitzer Public legacy survey of the UKIDSS ultra Deep Survey (weak) |
SPYBAL | SPectrum Y-BALance |
SQIID | Simultaneous Quad-color Infrared Imaging Device |
SQUID | Superconducting QUantum Interference Device |
SQUIRT | Satellite QUIck Research Testbed |
STACEE | Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment |
STEP | Solar Terrestrial Energy Program |
SUGAR-RUSH | Studying the Universe with GAlaxy suRveys Revealing the Unlimited in ShangHai (was the meeting in Shanghai just to make the acronym work?) |
SUMER | Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation |
SURF | SCUBA User Reduction Facility |
SUSI | Sydney University Stellar Interferometer |
SUSPECT | Sydney University SPECTrograph |
SuZIE | Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Infrared Experiment |
STEFFI | Spectrograph-TElescope Fibre-Feed Interface |
SWAN | Solar Wind Anisotropy Experiment |
TADPOL | Telescope Array Doing POLarization |
TANGOinPARIS | Testing Astroparticle with the New Gev/tev Observations Positrons And electRons : Identifying the Sources (THE WINNER!) |
TAROT | Telescope a Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires |
TATOOINE | The Attempt To Observe Outer-planets In Non-single-stellar Environments (Genius! Star Wars nerds are the best nerds) |
TAU | Thousand Astronomical Unit |
THINGS | The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (roman numerals as "I"; a first here!) |
THOR | The Hi/Oh Recombination line survey of the milky way |
THUMPER | Two HUndred Micron PhotometER |
TIM | Telescope Image Modelling |
TIM | (translates to) Mexican Infrared-optical Telescope |
TNTCAM | Ten aNd Twenty Micron CAMera |
TOMBO | Transient Observatory for Microlensing and Bursting Objects (Japanese project; telescopes resemble compound insect eyes; Tombo is Japanese for dragonfly) |
TOMS | Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer |
TOOT | TexOx-1000 (Oh, I get it, Texas-Oxford One Thousand; weak) |
T-RECS | Thermal REgion Camera System |
TRAPPIST | TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope (named after the beer making monks!) |
TRIFFID | TRansputer Instrument For Fast Image Deconvolution (actually, it had no Transputer chips, and didn't even do deconvolution) |
UNSWIRF | University of New South Wales Infrared Fabry-Perot (after an unpopular premier of NSW named Barry Unsworth) |
VERITAS | Very large Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System |
VESTALE | unVEil the darknesS of The gAlactic buLgE (you are not even trying anymore. UNDARGARB was within reach) |
VIPER | VIMos Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey |
VIRGO | Variability in Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations |
VIRIS | Visual-InfraRed Imaging System |
VOIR | Venus Orbiting Imaging Radar (voir is french for "to see") |
WARPS | Wide Angle ROSAT Pointed Survey |
WASP | Wideband Analog SPectrometer |
WATCH | Wide Angle Telescope for Cosmic Hard x-rays |
WET | Whole Earth Telescope |
WHAM | Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper |
WIMP | Weakly Interacting Massive Particles |
WIRE | Wide-field InfraRed Explorer |
WISARD | Web Interface for Searching Archival Research Data |
WISEASS | Weizmann Institute of Science Experimental Astrophysics Spectroscopy System |
WISP | Wide field Imaging Symbiotic Program |
WITS | Web Infrared ToolShed (has DIRT on it) |
WOMBAT | Wavelength-Oriented Microwave Background Analysis Team (Go Team! They're playing the Molecular Astrophysics Team for the championship later this week.) |
WUPPE | Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimeter Experiment |
YORIC | Yet another Optimal Resolution Image Constructor (Alas...) |
ZEBRA | Zurich Extragalactic Bayesian Redshift Analyzer |